Monday, December 9, 2019

They spit in, not drink from the same old Well

The Jews are at it again, but instead of drinking from the same old well, they spit in it because they believe that something magical about their saliva makes America dance to their tune. You'll see how that works after you've read the following historical introduction.

The preferred Jewish trick of all time, is to rob you and get you to pay them for the trouble they went through robbing you. They tried this trick on everyone they met, scoring some success here and there, but never succeeding with anyone as much as they do with the Americans.

In fact, the Jews have managed to codify the trick of robbing America, enshrining it into laws such as the one pertaining to the 38 billion dollars that America is giving them over the years. And the Jews have managed to also institutionalize the trick, securing it in the pledges which are constantly renewed by America's politicians to escalate what they'll give Israel's military to always keep it more powerful than the neighbors.

Knowing that they can never pull such a trick on the Arabs, the Jews modified the trick and tried to pull the new version on them. What they did was that, every time they felt the pressure of the international community to compensate the Palestinian refugees for what they robbed them, the Jews put out the lie that the Arab countries did the same thing to their Jewish populations, turning them into Jewish refugees. And so, one act offsets the other, said the Jews and, in the name of fairness, we should view the situation as even and consider the case of Palestinian refugees, closed.

But the Jews got nowhere with that argument because the more that the official and private American institutions investigated the matter, the more the truth came out to the effect that it is the Jews who owe the Arab governments billions of dollars. What the investigations have revealed was that the Jews who lived in the Arab countries were spared the fate of the Russian and Ethiopian Jews.

What happened in those cases, was that there came a time when the Jews became conscious of the reality that there are more “Arabs” than Jews between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. This meant that to avoid being overwhelmed by the Arabs, Israel had to bring Jews from anywhere there was a large concentration of them and settle them in Israel. They found such concentrations in Russia and Ethiopia.

When they tried to lure the Russian Jews out of Russia, the government there refused to let the Jews out unless they paid for the education they had received in Russia at the expense of the public. This is why the Jews organized the “Let my people go” charade in most American and European cities to embarrass the Russians. By contrast, the Jews of the Arab countries were treated so well, they and the Christians became the richest groups. Most of them went to private foreign schools where they paid their way through the years.

As to the Jews of Ethiopia, they were too poor to even pay their way to Israel, and so Israel organized an airlift for them, and got them settled in Israel. The Jews did not have to do anything like what they did with the Russian or the Ethiopian gambits with the Arab countries. That’s because, when ready, the Jews that wanted out, got out, and those that wanted to stay, stayed. There was never a mass exit of Jews, and those that left, went to the countries whose language they learned in school, and not necessarily to Israel.

But what also came out of the investigations, is that despite the restrictions which existed on transferring money out of the country, the Jews got most of their money out of the Arab countries by illegal means without paying the dues associated with such transfers, thus breaking the laws that were respected by everyone else. And these are the dues which the Jews owe the Arab governments to this day.

Knowing that if they claim the Arabs owe them money, they will be laughed out of town, the Jews avoid doing so now. What they do instead is what you'll see in the article that came under the title: “Spurring international action to remember the 'forgotten' Mideast Jewish refugees,” written by Shiryn Ghermezian and published on December 6, 2019 in the Jewish News Syndicate. And here is what the Jews are saying now:

“The featured speakers at an event hosted by the Israeli Mission to the United Nations, in coordination with Jews indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa, commemorated Jewish refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. It took place one day after the annual UN General Assembly plenary session commemorating the passage of Resolution 181, also known as the 'UN Partition Plan,' on Nov. 29, 1947”.

As you can see, the Jews no longer bray the old grotesque mumbling about Jewish refugees being subjected to pogrom, and being kicked out of the Arab countries dispossessed and penniless, and having nowhere to go but Israel. But the reality remains that this is precisely what happened to the European Jews, not only in modern time around the period of the Second World War, but time after time and throughout the ages.

It happened when the Romans kicked the Jews out of Palestine, which they were occupying. And it happened in the Middle Ages when country after country, from Russia to Britain, the Europeans used to torch the Jews alive to make sure they'll never want to return. And where did the Jews go? They went to settle in the Arab countries of the Middle East and North Africa, the places that have always been a welcoming and safe refuge for the Jews.

In fact, never did the Arabs turn the Jews back as did many countries, including America, even when it was known that Hitler was exterminating them.

The Jews are not putting out the customary big lie about the conduct of the Arabs anymore. But they continue to rely on the sympathy of the Americans, which they evoke by putting out false pretenses, and by shedding crocodile tears as you see in the Shiryn Ghermezian article.

In effect, where they used to go drink from the same well time after time, the Jews now spit in it in the hope that America will still give them something for nothing.