Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Absurd WSJ Educating Jokers in Congress

The editors of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) came up with an editorial they wrote under the title: “Leading From Behind Congress” and the subtitle: “Obama reckless gambles with American credibility.” They published it on September 2, 2013. This piece is vintage WSJ in the sense that if you consider absurdity to be an upside-down logic, it follows that this piece of writing is a true manifestation of the Journal's absurdity.
The point of the editorial is expressed in the subtitle mainly that Mr. Obama is hurting America's credibility because he is not being credible himself. In trying to find out how they have arrived at this conclusion, you go through the article and discover this passage: “Since he began running for President, Mr. Obama has told Americans that he wants to retreat from the Middle East, that the U.S. has little strategic interest there, that any differences with our enemies can be settled with his personal diplomacy, that our priority must be 'nation-building at home.'”

Aha, you say to yourself. That must be it. Here is the heart of their logic. They are saying the man promised to govern by peaceful means but now is doing an about face – talking war instead. Is that it? Is that what they are saying? Not really. Unfortunately, they are saying something else. But let's put off our judgment of them till we complete our judgment of him. And we do this not based on our view of Mr. Obama but what they are saying about him. Look at this passage: “Mr. Obama can read the polls, which show that most of the public opposes intervention in Syria. Around the world he has so far mobilized mainly a coalition of the unwilling, even the British parliament refusing to follow the lead.”

What does that mean? It means that not only President Obama is a peaceful man by nature, but most of humanity is naturally a peaceful race of human beings – even the British Parliament proved to be in lockstep with humanity. So then, what happened that got Mr. Obama to switch his view and his stance with regard to Syria? It is the apparent use of chemical weapons. So what? Is this such a small thing that he looks fickle for switching his stance? Oh no, not that, say the editors of the Journal. In fact, they say this: “The real surprise, not to say miracle, is that so many Americans will support military action in response to Syria's use of chemical weapons – 50% in the latest WSJ-NBC poll.”

There you are, the President has again proved to be as logical and methodical as his people and the rest of humanity. He wants peace but when something or someone goes beyond the bounds of what is acceptable, he reacts appropriately, and seeks the approval of his people through their representatives before taking the nation to war. And according to the editors of the WSJ, their own poll show that the approval of the people is there.” What's the problem, then? Why are these editors whining? That's why: “A defeat in Congress would signal that the U.S. has retired as the enforcer of any kind of world order.” And this is why they started their argument like this: “This will go down as one of the stranger gambles, if not abdications, in Commander in Chief history.”

What this reveals is that from the start, the editors of the Journal thought not that Mr. Obama will do something reckless but that the Congress will do something reckless. They thought it will go against the will of the people it is supposed to represent just to oppose the President it has been opposing since he was elected. And they called him reckless instead of calling the Congress reckless. Does that mean they are reckless too? No. What that means is that they are sick. They are mental cases, which is why their editorials have been so absurd during all these years.

So now they use this same sick mentality to tell the President and the Congress what to do. Here is the part for the President: “The problem with the intervention that Mr. Obama is proposing is that it … is a bombing gesture detached from a larger strategy. This is why we have urged a broader campaign to destroy Assad's air force...” And here is the part for the Congress: “The draft language for authorizing force that Mr. Obama has sent to Congress is too narrowly drawn. Congress should broaden it to give the President more ability to respond to reprisals, support the Syrian opposition and assist our allies if they are attacked.” Doing this, they say will “rescue American credibility and strategic interests from this most feckless of Presidents.”

What they are not saying – because they cannot see it – is that America desperately needs to be free of the kind of absurdities they have been spreading for years.