Friday, September 20, 2013

Must Say it Now That McCain Is Delusional

John McCain says to the people of Russia: “I am not anti-Russian. I am pro-Russian, more pro-Russian than the regime that misrules you today.” McCain said so in writing to the readers of, an English language website. He said it in an article titled: “Russians deserve better than Putin,” published on September 19, 2013.

Do you know who said something like that on a previous occasion, my friend? It was Alan Dershowitz who said that he was not anti-Palestinian. He was pro-Palestinian, more pro-Palestinian than the Arafat crowd that kept rejecting his formulation for peace. And the people of Palestine understood what Dershowitz was saying: he wanted piece for the Jews and peace for the Palestinians. That is, he wanted the whole piece of the West Bank for the Jews, and wanted the peace of the grave for the Palestinians.

McCain goes on to say that he respects the dignity and right to self-determination of the Russian people which is why they should reject their government and build an economy to benefit the many, not just the powerful few. He does not tell them how they can do this but says he makes that claim because “the Russian people, no less than the Americans, are endowed with inalienable rights.” But how do you get there John? McCain does not answer the question. You know why, my friend? Because America has a 16 trillion dollar debt whereas Russia has nearly a trillion dollars in foreign reserves. Ouch! Maybe America can learn something from Putin's Russia.

McCain goes on to say that “a Russian citizen could not publish a testament like the one he just offered.” Yet, here is the McCain testament published in a Russian publication – and the Putin sky has not fallen on him. People must want to publish something before it gets published, you know John? Did you consider the possibility that no one in Russia sees things the way you do? But how about seeing things in America the way that I, Fred Habachi, do? How about writing an article blasting Alan Dershowitz for interfering with the invitations extended to prominent people who see the situation in the Middle East differently from him? How about telling him to cease and desist having these people dissed or disinvited? Do that, John and have the article published in the Weekly Standard, the National Review Online or the Wall Street Journal – and then we'll talk.

After giving examples of Russian injustice I do not know enough about thus cannot discuss, McCain says that Putin has claimed he wants to restore Russia's greatness at home and among the nations of the world. But McCain scorns that notion asking: “By what measure has he restored your greatness?” And he answers like this: “He has given you an economy based on natural resources. Capital is fleeing Russia, which – lacking a broad-based economy – is considered too risky for investment.”

Now my friend, if you ever wanted to know how and why America came to be the basket case that it is today, here is the reason why. Its own legislative body – upper and lower chambers – is full of hopelessly trivial intellects such as that exhibited by John McCain. The truth is not that industry is fleeing Russia; it is fleeing America. It is not the Russian economy that is being hollowed out; it is the American. It is not the Russians who pay to have their astronauts ferried to the space station by someone else, it is the Americans.

McCain then asks: “How has he strengthened Russia's international stature?” And he answers: “By allying Russia with some of the world's most offensive and threatening tyrannies.” He names a few regimes he does not like, and concludes that Putin “is not enhancing Russia's global reputation. He is destroying it.” And this is where you say to yourself, I have had it! I have been trying to respect this man because of his age and the sacrifices he made for his country, but I must let go of all that. I must now tell it like I see it: John McCain is sinking into senility, and he is turning dangerously delusional. It is that he cannot hear himself or his colleagues cry out that America is losing stature on the world stage to the benefit of Russia – let alone see that America's relationship with Israel is the reason why America is sinking deep into the mud pool of disgrace.

McCain then passes judgment on Putin. Speaking to the Russian people, he says: “[He] doesn't believe … in you.” Hey John, how about believing in the American people more than you do in Netanyahu's god given right to dictate to the mob of riffraffs that makes up the American congress of idiots? You know what John, Netanyahu rules for himself, not you or your people. Get that through your thick skull.

He ends by saying that he longs for the day when the Russian people will have the government that believes in them. And I can hear the Russian people reply: If you mean something like your congress, we hope that day will be long in coming. Better yet, never come at all.