Friday, September 13, 2013

Egypt, Canada more Exceptional than Them?

Ask any American, from the dog catcher to the philosophy professor, what the difference is between a nationalist and a patriot, and they will respond with a blank look on their faces. The professor may after a moment or two mumble something meant to sound like a definition, but you'll find it inadequate and walk away. And yet, you have all these American pundits and so-called journalists praising themselves and each other for being patriots while chiding the Egyptian people for exhibiting a little bit of nationalist tendencies. Go figure.

I am not going to try figuring this out but I have a few observations to make in light of the explosive responses I was able to monitor – those that opposed the remarks made by Russia's Vladimir Putin on American exceptionalism. Let me tell you, they were universally opposed; and vehemently so. In any case, long or short, direct or indirect, I place those responses in one of two categories. One category pertains to America as a nation; the other pertains to the people of America as individuals.

I suspect that what happened to me while watching the spectacle is a normal human response that must have happened to other watchers – which is that I compared myself with what I was hearing the Americans say about themselves and about their country. Well, I was born Egyptian but am now Canadian. This being the case, what I heard the Americans say about their country being a land of opportunity to which people flock from everywhere, I found it to apply to Canada as well. And this should make me and my country exceptional.

Also, what I heard the Americans say about being a people who rally around an idea more than the bloodline to which they belong, reminded me of the 30 million people who filled the streets and squares of Egyptian cities making demands on their government, and telling foreigners to keep their noses out of their affairs. That makes them exceptional both as individuals and as a nation. Call them patriots, call them nationalists or call them whatever the professor will want to say about the subject. Who cares anyway what the definition may be?

After a while, something happened with consequences that unraveled a mystery preoccupying me for a long time. I began to feel a sense of inflated pride about being who I am. Because I never felt this way before, and could not understand those who did, the feeling unsettled me. I stopped monitoring the Americans for a moment to probe myself and see what was going on. Was I mutating into another being or something? I discovered to my relief that no, I was not mutating.

But I found that as a Canadian, we were the country that harbored the slaves who fled the American monsters that kept them in chains. And so I concluded that if these characters think of themselves as exceptional; they must think of us as infinitely more exceptional. And being of this image in the eyes of others must have been the thought that worked on my subconscious mind, giving me the inflated pride to which I was not accustomed. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that this shall pass.

But while making that sort of comparisons, it occurred to me that unlike the Southern Europeans who colonized South and Central America, the Northern Europeans colonized Canada, the United States and Australia. Yes, those who came to the “New World” from Southern Europe committed atrocities toward the indigenous people but did not slaughter them wholesale. This is why the South and Central American cultures contain strong indigenous flavors and strong indigenous bloodlines.

By contrast, the people who came from Northern Europe to settle in North America and Australia, first slaughtered the indigenous people then built empires using the wealth they plundered in Africa and Asia, something the Southern European did not do because they had few if any colonies in Africa or Asia. In the case of the United States, the Americans also had the advantage of cheap slave labor they imported from Africa.

So where does that leave us: Egyptians, Canadians, Americans, Russians or whatever? Are we all exceptional? Exceptional my ass; we're all mortals, and we'll go back to being dust again.

Maybe there is a life after this one but till you see what that is, hold your pride my friend because we don't know if there will be room to feel the pride out there – be it nationalistic or patriotic.