Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Way Forward for America in the Mideast

With the knowledge that history will correct me where I prove to be less than one hundred percent correct, I venture at this time to postulate that the degradation of America's standing in the Middle East – if not the whole world – came about at the start of the second term in the George W. Bush presidency. Usually, this would be the term during which a reelected American president tries to make a mark on the world stage in the hope that it will establish itself firmly, and become a glowing part of his legacy.

And so, I view the years between 2005 and 2009 as the period when the world, especially the Middle East, began to view America as the swaggering bully who viewed himself as the “sole superpower” that has the divine right if not the duty to trample on everyone, and tell everybody what is expected of them. To this end, Condoleezza Rice was sent to Cairo, Egypt where she stood as an honored guest behind the podium of a university, but pronounced herself like a vulgar bully standing in the courtyard of a high school.

What she articulated on that day came to be known eventually as the Bush Doctrine even though W. Bush did not have the brains to formulate a fraction of it. It was something to the effect that the rulers of the Arab World were trying to have stability at the expense of democracy but were having neither. As it turned out, the doctrine was not formulated with words only but also with deeds that were massive in scope and long-lasting in range. In fact, it was a fully developed strategy to remake the Middle East both in the image and the reverse image of the infamous Sykes-Picot arrangement.

W. Bush had no idea what was going on because the new plan was put together by the same sort of people who planned the destruction of Iraq almost a decade before they got him to do just that. This time, they were buoyed by the apparent friendship between Muslim Turkey and Israel, so they put together a plan that would dismantle the Arab nations a la Sykes-Picot, then invite Turkey to join in the re-assembling of the parts. They would do that in the style of the Ottoman Empire which Turkey, the hegemon of the time, used to control but lost it to Britain and France, the masterminds of Sykes-Picot.

The way the planners saw the events take hold would be that control of the reconstituted Arab world will be presented to the Arabs as a shared responsibility between Muslim Turkey and benevolent America. However, since the expertise with regard to that part of the world is claimed by American Jews, they would be the ones in charge behind the curtains. And as usual, they will do nothing that is not in consultation with the Israelis, a quiet arrangement the planners thought will not be rejected by the Turks.

Egypt being the most valued prize in that scheme, the planners concentrated on that country. The first time that ordinary Egyptians got a sense there was a design on their country, is when Condoleezza Rice adopted the posture that she did and was followed by pronouncements made by President Bush himself and by officials in his administration. Furthermore, the people of Egypt got the sense that the plan was Jewish by the fact that it was implemented in the style of stealth that was nevertheless a see-through amateurish job. Not only that, but the plan was presented as a charm offensive when the people could see that it was nothing more than a vulgar undertaking through and through. To them, this made the plan unmistakably Jewish no matter who said what.

Barack Obama then appeared on the scene and assured the Arabs that he was different. They believed him and waited to see a corresponding change in his country's behavior toward them. When this did not happen, they tried to understand the reason why. They reached the answer in two steps. First, they concluded from what they were able to observe that America was too tightly controlled by the Jews to be able to do anything independently of them. Second, they saw that the plan to remake the Middle East was not only fiddled with, it was being implemented in force. A horrible example of this was the replacement of the American ambassador in Cairo by a vulgar female character. This told the people of Egypt in no uncertain terms that the plan was the same old Jewish plan.

So the question that comes to mind is this: Can America turn things around under Obama or another future president? Well, the thing that Americans must know is that it is more vulgar to threaten someone than to tell them they have not adopted the right sort of governance. Thus, when the Americans blurt what the Jews are stuffing in their mouths – mainly that if and when a Middle Eastern ruler refuses to do as instructed, America will bomb the country – the people who stand the chance of being bombed will not like it. They will respond each according to their circumstances; and this could range from hating America and voicing their hatred, to urging their government to do something drastic with regard to American interests, to taking the matter in their own hands by enlisting in an organization that is dedicated to fighting America.

In the meantime, this American debacle will force the people who have the means, to develop defensive measures that will protect them from America's weapons of aggression. It should be a relatively easy thing to do since the cruise missile and the drone are slow vehicles. As to the people who lack the means to develop such defenses, they will rely on Russia, China and the other nations that will see profit in getting into the business of making weapons.

Eventually the Jews may have it their way, which is to pit America against the world. They will not be bothered seeing it ruined and humiliated because they will just look for another sucker to take advantage of. They have been doing this for thousands of years.

It is either this or it is for President Obama to tell the likes of McCain, Graham and Rogers they are full of a substance that is better at growing plants than generating useful strategic ideas.