Monday, September 30, 2013

Where Failure Succeeds and Success Fails

In the narrative of real life situations, the Jewish version of “Alice in Wonderland” has it that you fail by succeeding, and succeed by failing. The people who saw a series of Israeli military successes for being kicked out of the Sinai, the Eastern Golan, Gaza and South Lebanon now see failure in winning battles without firing a shot. It is that in the upside-down vision of these people, Israel and the “West” win when they exchange fire with someone even if they get wiped out in the process. And they lose when they obtain what they want without firing a shot.

John Bolton is one of those endowed with an upside-down vision caused by a brain that is installed upside-down. You can see how he perceives the real life version of his Alice in Wonderland when you read the article he wrote under the title: “How Rouhani Is Playing Obama” and the subtitle: “His conciliation strategy is intended to buy time and legitimacy to build a bomb.” It was published on September 30, 2013 in the Wall Street Journal.

By the time you reach the middle of the article, you get a sense of the force that is aggravating the John Bolton handicap. That's because he builds up to this passage: “Mr. Obama enters negotiations weakened by his Syria failures. He seems unaware he has been wounded. He believes he is well placed to treat with the ayatollahs despite a series of foreign-policy failures.” Had Mr. Obama fired missiles at Syria, doing no better than kill scores of civilians, Bolton and those like him would have lauded the commander-in-chief as a great leader made in the image of the great W. Bush. But the fact that Syria gave up its chemical weapons without firing a shot registers as a failure in the eyes of the mutants who grew up with an upside-down brain.

And when someone grows up deformed to this grotesque extent, he sees the future that hasn't come yet with fear and trepidation every time he hears of peace not every time he hears of war. And this is what the rest of the Bolton article is about. Here is how he begins the journey of fear: “last week President Obama embarked on a campaign for 'progress' with Iran that will prove dangerous for American interests.” And Bolton tells you why so: “after an Obama-Rouhani telephone call, Mr. Obama said that a 'comprehensive solution' is possible.” Oh my goodness, how awful is that!

Still, you ask: How did Obama come to this conclusion? And Bolton tells you how: “Instead of blustering about Iran's nuclear program, Mr. Rouhani has sounded conciliatory.” Why is that so bad? you want to know. And he tells you why: “Over the past year, Mr. Obama failed to grasp that agreements with the likes of Syria and Russia [presumably Iran too] prolong, rather than solve the chemical-weapons problem.” Wow! The man with an upside-down brain does not like it that Syria gave up its chemical weapons. And now he wants us to believe it will be disastrous if Iran proves it does not have a military nuclear program. What's this world coming to?

You are so flabbergasted by now, you scream at him: “Why would this be so disastrous?” And he tells you why: “Even if there were some prospect that Iran could be talked out of its nuclear-weapons program, the White House approach is the wrong way to start discussions. Given the president's unwillingness to use the military; Iran knows that the 'all options are on the table' incantation carries no weight.” In other words, the only thing that will work, according to Bolton, is the talk of war followed by a “shock and awe” campaign. That's how you avoid disaster, he wants you to believe, because you can look at Iraq and see what a model nation can rise on the charred bodies of victims that get blown up almost on a daily basis. What a pretty sight this must be to someone as sick as these people are.

And now he does the thing that every Jew does at the end of a presentation; he blows his own argument to smithereens. Look at this: “Iran wants relief from international sanctions, which have exacerbated decades of incompetent economic policy.” What he says is that the Iranians have been incompetent managers of their economy for decades, and that the sanctions made things worse for them. Okay, you say, but it must be that the economy has collapsed. NO, no, no, he says: “There is no evidence that the sanctions have impaired Iran's nuclear or ballistic-missile programs. Instead, Tehran has increased its financial and military assistance to Assad and Hezbollah in Syria.”

Well, come on now, Johnny the blower of hot air. When a nation is subjected to this kind of sanctions, yet manages to maintain a viable economy is proof of genius. When on top of that, the nation maintains its military program in top shape, and assists its allies as well, it proves to be blessed with economic miracle workers. And only an upside-down brain such as yours would see this performance as incompetent.

Poor Johnny; having displayed his low caliber for all to see, the man now decides to play the role of prophet. And so he begins his round of future-telling like this: “Mr. Rouhani's strategy is clear: make cosmetic concessions and gain Western acceptance. Once that goal is attained, the path to nuclear weapons will be unobstructed.” But that's only the beginning because after that: “Iran will demand that sanctions be eased. Western diplomats will assert that these concessions are a matter of 'sequencing,' and that they expect Iranian concessions. They will wait a long time [because] once sanctions start, restoring them will be hard to do absent a provocation that Rouhani will not supply.”

Did you get that, my friend? John Bolton predicts that things will go so smoothly, Iran will not provoke, and the “West” will not be provoked. This may sound like a good thing to you and me, but to a mutant with an upside-down brain, it must sound like horror.

Pity these people; they live their own hell right here on Earth. But we must not let them drive the agenda because we have our own lives to live, and we don't want that to be hellish.