Friday, January 17, 2014

Desperate Editors Making Desperate Arguments

They must be getting desperate at the Wall Street Journal. You can see why that is in an editorial they titled: “Iran Sanctions Showdown” and subtitled: “Obama plays rough with Democrats who want to stiffen diplomacy.” Published on January 17, 2014, it is in this editorial that they committed the serious error of basing their presentation on a short text that was twittered by President Rouhani of Iran.

Having seen what sort of mistake can happen when a simple word such as “reset” is translated into Russian, having seen what can happen when an English website on healthcare is translated into Spanish, and having themselves corrected the Farsi translation once made by CNN, you would think that the editors of the Journal will be careful enough not to rely on something as flimsy as the translation of a tweet to build their case. And yet, that's what they did while recommending to the senators who are looking into the subject of sanctions on Iran that they should keep the Rouhani tweet in mind and not blink.

Starting at this point, the editors build a case that is the same old case, and where the bulk of the arguments is but a rehash of the same old arguments. In fact, all pertinent subjects were debated in most publications around the world, including the pages of the Wall Street Journal and this website. And this makes it pointless to take up the same arguments again. But there are a few new elements in the current Journal editorial that merit further discussion.

One of these elements was stated in the editorial as follows: “Meanwhile, the sanctions regime has already started to crack … A French commercial delegation will visit Iran next month, looking for business opportunities to exploit as the sanctions break down.” And no one doubts where the Russian and the Chinese stand on this matter. There is also the fact that doing business is the paramount concern of the Germans. Thus, it stands to reason that if the Congress commits an act as idiotic as to impose new sanctions on Iran while the negotiations are ongoing, the P5+1 alliance will break up. This will leave America standing alone, and most likely, holding the Jewish bag of infamy.

Is that what the Jewish lobby wants? Yes it is. People like Bolton, Stephens, Prager, May, Krauthammer and others make no secret of their desire to maintain America in a permanent state of war against the whole world if need be. And they want the war to last till such time that a complete victory is achieved even though they don't know what that victory will look like or should look like. But they know what will come after it as a result of it.

In fact, the Jews believe that a final outcome will result from the struggles of life; an outcome that has already been determined and fully fleshed out in the Old Testament. They believe that there will be some kind of confrontation called Armageddon at the end of which the Messiah – they have been waiting for since the beginning of time – will appear in all his glory, and will transfer to them the control of his Dominion. And that Dominion will include all of us non-Jewish human beings – to be their personal property.

Knowledge of the Jewish intentions, and the fact that the Israelis have threatened to start something stupid in the Middle East so as to put themselves in danger, and thus force America to come to the rescue, is what has prompted the formation of a consensus by all concerned, to the effect that the purpose behind getting the Congress to legislate new sanctions, is to push America into another Middle Eastern war. Of course, there are people who deny this idea but nobody believes them because they are the ones who most vociferously advocate the bombing of Iran.

And this is why the Jewish senators who do not want more American blood on their hand are not going along with the sanctions. Those who do go along are the ones who could not care less about the spilling of American blood, or anyone else's blood for that matter. Going along with the sanctions are also the gentiles who are clearly under the blackmail of a Jewish lobby that is holding the dirt on them. And we can only surmise that it must be a very damning sort of dirt which is pushing them to risk so much.