Friday, January 10, 2014

We're so Lovable, Everybody Hates Us

There is a difference between saying I don't want to be your brother in law; I just want to be your brother, and saying learn to love everything I do or I'll fight you. The latter is what Charles Krauthammer is saying in his latest article which came under the title: “Fighting Back against the New Anti-Semitism” and the subtitle: “Throughout the academic and cultural world, the Israeli boycott movement is growing.” It was published on January 10, 2014 in National Review Online.

For decades, the self appointed leaders of the Jews such as Krauthammer and others, have told America to boycott this nation or that one, this organization or that one, this individual or that one. And why is that? Because the Jews have claimed that by associating with these undesirables, America bestows legitimacy on them, therefore bestows it on the reprehensible things they say about Israel, and the things they do to it.

So now that Israel itself is being boycotted by an increasing number of American institutions, Krauthammer is talking about fighting back because he seems to believe Israel is such a lovable place, the only reason it is disliked by so many is that it is lovable.

The latest institution to boycott Israel; the one that drew the ire of  the article's author is the American Studies Association that decided to boycott Israeli universities because Israel denies “academic and human rights to Palestinians,” says Krauthammer. But then guess what, my friend, he goes on to write a 760 word article without once – yes, without once again – mentioning the Palestinians.

And that reminds you of the people who blame carbon dioxide for the warming of the planet, but when asked to cite one scientific experiment in which carbon dioxide was used to prove or disprove the claim, they cannot do so. What they do, instead, is go on a never ending rant about the melting ice cap, the dying bears, the shrinking of Antarctica, the floods in South Asia and so on and so forth ... but no carbon dioxide experiment.

And so it goes with Charles Krauthammer who wants you to know that Israel, like apartheid South Africa, has a democratic political system. It also has a free press just like apartheid South Africa used to have. And it has a fiercely independent judiciary, same as that of apartheid South Africa if not modeled after it.  He also claims that, like Apartheid South Africa, Israel has a religious and racial diversity within its universities.

But the thing that the author forgets to mention – besides the Palestinians, of course – is that like apartheid South Africa, Israel is an apartheid entity. In that sense, it is the only entity left on the planet to still practice this crime against humanity. Yes, South Africa was boycotted into ending the practice but Israel must not be subjected to the same treatment, say the Krauthammers of the world. No explanation necessary except for the mention that “Israel is the world's only Jewish state.”

So for now, say the self-appointed leaders of the Jews, you can forget about apartheid Israel and apartheid South Africa. You can also forget about the ice cap, the bears, Antarctica and the floods. But what you must not forget about is the human rights situation in Syria, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, China and Russia.

And you know why you must not forget about all these places; it's because the whole thing is about antisemitism. Yes, it's not even about Zionism, I tell you; it's about antisemitism. Why else would you hate lovable Israel but for the fact that antisemitism is back again.

But gentlemen of the Jewry – World Jewry, that is – none of these nations send their academics to America seeking to gain legitimacy for themselves or for the system they practice. How can we boycott something that does not exist?

What? Why do you ask such embarrassing questions? Admit it, admit it, admit it. You're anti-Semite, you are all antisemitic, admit it. Tell you what; I'm not engaging in this discussion any further. Go talk to someone else.