Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Redundant Echoes from the Past

On January 27, 2014, John Bolton wrote another one of those articles in which he warns that Iran is a dangerous nation that's about to obtain dangerous weapons. The thing is that this time, he begins with these words: “For nearly three decades, Iran … has outmaneuvered Western counter-proliferation efforts.” Well, John Bolton does not realize that when he says three decades, and then tries to say that Iran poses an imminent danger, no reader believes him and everyone laughs at him. You can't say imminent for three decades and remain credible.

But that's not the only contradiction you encounter in the article, as indeed you do in every article of this nature – whether written by him or by someone like him. Here is another one: “sanctions were extremely effective before Geneva” contradicted by: “The sanctions have not simply been less effective in their economic impact and failure to slow, let alone cripple, Iran's nuclear-weapons program. U.S, sanctions advocate made a far more basic miscalculation...”

You want to see another contradiction? There is another one except that it is not something he says in the same article but something he has been hollering about for many years. Here is what he says now: “Tehran played on the West's obsessive belief that uranium enriched to 20 percent was more threatening than uranium enriched to 3 to 5 percent.” And that is in direct contradiction to what was convenient to say previously, which is that uranium enriched to 20 percent took Iran as close as 90 percent of the way to having a bomb.

What was convenient then is convenient no more, and so he changes his assertion. But on whom does he blame his change of heart? Believe it or not, he blames it on the victim. Even though the Iranians never said anything about how close 3 percent or 5 percent or 20 percent enrichment gets them to the bomb – which they always denied making – he wants us to believe that they played on the West's obsession. And this reminds us of the time when they did not find Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, so they blamed the fiasco on Saddam Hussein whom they accused of letting them believe he had such weapons ... when in reality he always denied he had them. These people never change, do they?

You want to see something else that is just as ridiculous as the above? Here it is: “'Lawfare' will also be an important element in Iran's campaign to dismantle sanctions.” So here you have a lawyer who complains about “lawfare.” Instead of welcoming the adjudication of disputes between parties through the courts, which is what lawyers who respect their profession do, you have here a case in which recourse to the rule of law is slammed by an officer of the court in a country that prides itself on the rule of law. What else could he have said to flabbergast you more?

But what is it that he relies on to convince himself the reader will believe what he says? He seems to rely on the assertions that he makes to satisfy every occasion. Here is one; probably his most direct assertion: “Tehran will cheat.” Well, my friend, do you believe in the honesty of someone who contracts himself time after time; someone who has nothing but contempt for his own profession? Or do you suspect that his nemesis – the Iranian negotiators – are a lot more deserving of your trust than the self-contradicting machine which Bolton has proven himself to be?

But why is he doing all that? Here is why: “We hope that Congress will take Obama's measure on Iran because we are on a course toward failure with consequences for Israel.” That's really what preoccupies him; nothing else. The darling he wants to protect is Israel, and the workhorse that will do the protection is the American Congress; the very Congress that keeps rubbing America's nose in the mud.

But Bolton cannot stop here or the American people will rise and protest that the Israelis will have to choose between getting along with their neighbors and suffering the consequences of their actions alone. This is because the Americans have had it up to here, and they want to see a change in foreign policy.

For these reasons, Bolton finds it necessary to say that these would be consequences “for Israel even for America itself.” So now the security of America is in the balance. And if this were not enough to scare people, Bolton has demagoguery up his sleeve: “If Geneva does not measure up to Munich 1938, it will soon be a close second.”

So get scared America, because that's how Israel can maintain a Svengali hold on you.