Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Alice Befuddled by the Bret Wonderland

Once in a while you encounter someone that has gotten so annoyed with himself holding the mask in front of his face, he decides to throw the mask away at least during the one occasion in which he seek to make points too difficult to express from behind a mask.

This is the spot where Bret Stephens finds himself standing as he tries to bludgeon Vladimir Putin of Russia for grabbing Ukrainian territory. In so doing, he collides with principles he trampled on during all his professional life as he tried to construct a philosophical and legal framework that would justify the Jewish grab of Palestinian lands. He never completed that task, and what he is doing now will end up turning his world so much upside down, Alice herself will feel befuddled by this lopsided version of Bret's Wonderland.

You can see the Stephens machinations in the article he wrote under the title: “Apologies for Vladimir” that could easily have read: “Apologies for Bibi,” and the subtitle: “Putin's seizure of Crimea gets an assist from foreign policy realists and postmodern liberals,” that could easily have read: “Bibi's seizure of West Bank territory gets an assist from Wall Street Journal types and from Victor Hanson disciples.” The article was published in the Wall Street Journal on March 25, 2014.

To set the stage for doing battle with Putin's apologists, he begins by putting down what those apologists say. First of all, they say that “Crimea itself is ethnically Russian.” This is a more powerful excuse than that of the Jews who insist they lived in Palestine thousands of years ago, and while they may no longer be of the Hebrew or Semitic race, they have a sentimental attachment to the land. Second of all, they say that “Crimea passed into Ukrainian hands through a Soviet bureaucratic maneuver.” This too is a more powerful excuse than to say Palestine passed into Jewish hands through British colonial bureaucratic maneuver, and Jewish terrorism.

Stephens goes on to say: “As for provocation, how could any Russian leader be indifferent to a Ukraine that sought to join NATO or the European Union?” So the question is this: How could any Arab – leader or commoner – be indifferent to a so-called Israel that says it may be located in the Middle East but its heart is in Europe and its mind in America?

Past that, Stephens says: “In this reading, the West's policies toward Russia have been a complex of patronizing lectures about democracy and good governance,” something that can be translated as follows to apply to the Middle Eastern situation: In this reading, Israel's policies toward its Arab neighbors, especially the Palestinians, have been the dishing out of a load of B.S. about a Jewish democracy that is more like savagery out the Stone Age. They have also been policies of trying to sell to the Arabs technical knowledge that the Jews knew less about than they knew about the hole in their anatomy.

Unhappy with the stance taken by the Vladimir Putin apologists, Stephens unloads on them: “Let's get a few things straight.” (1) “Russia does not need Ukraine as a territorial buffer,” which sounds like Israel does not need the settlements in occupied Jerusalem as a territorial buffer. (2) “A historic claim is not a valid claim,” which can be translated into: “Get those Jewish squatters out of there.” (3) “Ethnic claims aren't valid claims, either,” especially when the claim to Jewish ethnicity is a made-up bogus claim. (4) “Russia was not humiliated by the end of the Cold War,” which is meant to tell the Jews that the Palestinians did not humiliate them. Someone else may have done so, but they should not take it on the Palestinians. (5) “Crimea is not Iraq,” which sounds like the West bank is not the Promised Land. (6) “Neocons typically want to promote liberal democracy,” which is like saying the bloodthirsty settlers want to promote peace and harmony.

And so, our dear Bret Stephens ends his article by giving the American administration what he believes is good advice. He begins with a preface: “Putin is pursuing his own interest as ringleader in a corrupt oligarchy sitting on the economic time bomb that is a commodities-based economy,” which sounds like: Bibi is pursuing the interest of Jewish gambling moguls in a corrupt Atone Age setup living off the economic time bomb that is compensation-based and donation-based economy.

He goes on: “The best U.S. policy will be to light up the shortest fuse on that bomb, and contain the fallout,” which is meant to convey the notion: it is time to let Israel implode.