Saturday, March 15, 2014

They Give Democracy a bad Name

You ask yourself: What are they doing writing articles of this kind and having them published in the Washington Post, no less? Just look at the title alone of this one article, and feel revolted: “Israel gets no credit from Obama for a year of moderate settlement construction” as if President Obama had nothing to do but pet Israel as well as feed it and arm it when the thing keeps pissing on his rug by direct contact or by a provocative long distance act. That article was written by two Jews who call themselves Americans: Elliott Abrams and Uri Sadot, published in the Post on March 13, 2014.

You ask: for what audience does the Washington Post publish this sort of articles? This is a most pertinent question since it has been established through surveys conducted professionally, and by some late night comedic television shows that a good percentage of Americans know very little about their own system of governance, and know even less about the history of their country. So why assume that they would care about someone else's system?

Illustration of the above cited facts were repeatedly carried out by television when a crew would stop individuals in the streets and ask them, for example, what they have to say about the news that George Washington who died long ago was ill, and that he was taken to hospital. The individuals would respond with something to the effect that they heard the news, and have been praying for Washington who is a good man that deserves to live and continue doing good things for America.

Try now to imagine what these people would say if you asked them a question on a topic that is as abstract as democracy. Begin by linking the freedom they enjoy in their everyday life to the system of democracy under which they live, and ask them to explain in what way they feel they are freer in America than the people who live in other parts of the world under systems that are not democratic.

Needless to say that these people will be at a complete loss, especially when you consider the fact that even college students struggle every day trying to write a good paper on the subject. And this is not to mention the puffed up idiots who are taken under the wings of some wealthy sucker bankrolling the think tanks where the idiots sit comfortably and stink away the absurd echoes which are bounced on them by distant demonic spirits. These people do the stinking because it is what they can do more than they can think any kind of thought which is authentic and that is their own.

But America was not always like that. There was a time when the country had a sense of being made of people that left behind a world in chaos to be in a place that guaranteed a peaceful existence where everyone had the right to pursue life, liberty and happiness anyway they saw fit, bound only by rules of law that applied equally whether they were starting life with nothing to their name, or they had been around long enough to have accumulated a great deal, and had become revered in the community in which they lived as well as beyond it.

The Americans were proud they had regular elections that only a few other countries had, and this was good enough to define a brand of democracy from which was derived the freedom that all the people who lived in the country enjoyed. But things have changed since those days, and the American people have become aware that their system of voting is flawed in many parts of the country at a time when new nations around the world began to implement a voting system of their own for the first time. The American people also know that where their country used to be the biggest creditor nation in the world, it is now the biggest debtor nation, borrowing from rivals to feed its poor whose numbers are so large, they could form a mid-sized nation of their own.

And while President Obama is busy doing all that he can to improve life for these Americans, you see the two Jewish clowns: Abrams and Sadot complain he is not showering Israel with enough sweet words. The occasion was the visit of the rug-pissing Netanyahu to the White House. He did not personally pee on the rug this time when meeting with the American President but had an agency in Israel do it for him by long distance. This is how Abrams and Sadot describe the event: “Only hours before the meeting, Israel's Bureau of Statistics published a report that cited a massive increase in settlement construction during 2013.”

This is a crime against humanity that America is financing, and has been for several decades under the excuse that Israel is practicing a system of democracy. And when you look at how that system works, you find that those in charge gather misfits – so-called Jews from anywhere around the world, especially from America – and have them vote on the most effective way to slaughter the indigenous Palestinians, and rob them of their lands. This done, they build settlements for Jews on those lands; the whole operation being financed with American money, and justified by the fact that the democratic vote was in favor of raping the Palestinians and raping their motherland. They call this democracy at work when the American people are so confused about this word, they don't know what it means anymore. And they certainly don't know what it means to be free on an empty stomach, only to see someone call on their President to drop everything he is doing and praise a foreign entity.

What the people in charge of Jewish affairs do next is get the likes of our two authors to write articles complaining about the American President (not because the Jews from America stopped raping Palestine but) because they claim that the rapists have curtailed their activities. They complain even as Israel's own Bureau of Statistics says that the rapists have increased their activities. But that's a minor detail, they want you to believe, because it is part of the Jewish practice of throwing the kind of ambiguous clarity that allows them to take from you with one hand and use the other hand to direct their pee on your rug.

And the way to maintain that system ongoing, administration after administration, is to elevate it to the level of normalcy by weaving the talk about it with talk about democracy. This is what allows them to establish a give and take that uses, for example, what the President has said about the settlement activities, and what they claim is true, which is that “the president had his facts wrong” even though they correspond with those published by Israel's Bureau of Statistics. And so, the two authors start playing the numbers game when what is needed is to take those responsible to the International Criminal Court, and throw the book at them.

But this is not happening because every time that someone initiates the process to get there, America uses its weight and reputation to block the effort. And why is that? Because the game of democracy in Israel was never about the rule of law, and the game in America is no longer a process by which the people rule themselves by electing representatives that govern with their consent. In fact, the voice they listen to in Israel according to Abrams and Sadot, is this: “the settler lobby, which has a strong footing in the Likud party, constantly criticizes Netanyahu for not permitting sufficient construction.” And the voice they listen to in America is that of the puffed up idiots who find themselves under the wings of wealthy suckers bankrolling think tanks such as that to which our two authors belong.

And all that is done in the name of a democracy with which America is now inextricably associated; a democracy that is fast acquiring a bad name. Now you know.