Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Promised Land of Defeat and Disrespect

Look at these two titles back to back: “Aipac Is Good for America” and “Why Putin Doesn't Respect Us”. Now cross out the word “Putin” and replace it with the term “the world.” What you end up with is a question and the answer to it. You can visualize the whole thing running like this: Aipac good for America? It's why the world doesn't respect us.

Actually, the assertion “Aipac Is Good for America” was written in the form of an article by Shmuel Rosner and published in the New York Times, on March 4, 2014. And “Why Putin Doesn't Respect Us” is a column written by Tom Friedman, and published also in the New York Times the next day, March 5, 2014.

Friedman begins his column by asserting: “Just as we've turned the coverage of politics into sports, we're doing the same with geopolitics.” He goes on to write almost a thousand words without once saying that what he means by “we” is actually “us Jews” who have had almost total monopoly of the media during at least the last three decades. And what did the Jews do with that monopoly? They executed the commands given out by Aipac which, according to Rosner, has been good for America.

Rosner begins his piece by calling Aipac a powerhouse and admits this is “an emotional time; Aipac was just served a humbling defeat by the Obama administration, and was forced to retreat...” There is the game that Friedman is talking about. It is not only played out there on the geopolitical fields of the world; it is played in America too by an American Administration that finds itself spending a great deal of energy fighting a vicious local foe. This is what Rosner is referring to when he says: “critics voice more vocally than ever in claiming that Aipac's power is detrimental to American national interests.”

To answer those critics, Rosner tries to paint a picture of the world as being a wasteland in which Aipac plays the role of a Moses that is leading America to the promised land of victory and respect. Speaking of the critics, he says this: “They fail to see that Aipac is fighting for American global leadership and engagement with the world.” But then, to make a point that remains obscure, he writes something that reveals a great deal of what he did not wish to reveal. He writes this: “Recently, a group of activists and rabbis sent a letter … claiming that Aipac speaks for Israel's hard-line government … and them alone.” This means that Aipac is not taking America to the promised land of victory and respect; it is taking America to Friedman's land of defeat and disrespect.

And you can tell why this is happening when you see what else Aipac is doing. You can see what that is by what Rosner says it is not doing: “unlike many other lobbies, Aipac isn't devoted to bringing financial benefits to a specific interest group...” No, doing so would keep the money in America. What Aipac is doing instead is fleecing America and sending the money to Israel by the billions – some of which trickles back to America to buy the sick dogs that run for Congress and help Aipac fight against the American Administration and the American people.

Here is another revelation that Rosner makes not realizing what he is doing: “Often it [Aipac] is portrayed by its detractors as 'war mongering,' but Aipac is guilty of leadership mongering – of wanting America to continue playing a role in shaping the Middle East and the rest of the world.” That would be shaping the Middle East and the rest of the world according to the designs of the hard-line government of Israel, as noted by the group of activists and rabbis.

Now looking at the picture that is perceived by Tom Friedman, you see this: “There is much nonsense being written about how Obama needs to demonstrate his manhood.” Yes, this is the essence of the game that Aipac is playing. It is playing it together with the thousands of mouthpieces – Jews and gentiles alike – who keep cheering American officials, encouraging them to bark at this one, bark hard at that one and bark harder still at that other one in the distance.

Barks are meant to threaten, of course, and Friedman acknowledges that practicing this Jewish habit has been harmful to America because it “laid the groundwork for Putin's rise … [who] exploited the humiliation.” But what does Friedman recommend instead? Well, he first explains that Reagan did not defeat the Soviet Empire alone; the Saudis helped by engineering an oil glut that brought down global oil prices, a situation that bankrupted the resource dependent Empire.

He gives detail as to how this can be done again. He says America should invest in facilities to liquefy and export American natural gas thus make Europe dependent on America rather than Russia. He also suggests raising American gasoline tax, putting in place a carbon tax and a national renewable energy portfolio standard.

Does he stop here? No. Of course not. Friedman is a Jew, and you know he will not stop till he shoots himself in the foot. The guy who – only moments ago – said that frightening people is counterproductive because it lays the groundwork for them exploiting the humiliation and rising, now says this: “You want to frighten Putin? Just announce those steps.”

It's hopeless with these people. Their traits are too ingrained in their DNA to be neutralized.