Thursday, March 26, 2015

Another Bush, another Bush League America

Jeb Bush wrote an article in which he describes his vision for a foreign policy that is out of the Cheney-Rove era. In fact, if you didn't know the article was written by Jeb, you would think it was written by the W. himself – or what people used to think was the W. The article came under the title: “On Israel and Iran, President Obama Mistakes Friend and Foe” and was published on March 25, 2015 in National Review Online.

But knowing that the W. never had a thought of his own, relying instead on the Cheney-Rove speechwriters to stuff words in his mouth, you must now conclude that the team which turned America into the bush league it became, will be back if Jeb gets elected president. That team will reverse the slow and steady progress which President Barack Obama has been making, pulling America out of the hole in which it was sunk. The team will resume America's demise, and will have it rejoin Israel at the bottom of the cesspool where the older brother took it before.

Jeb Bush says: “The [Obama] administration indulges our enemies and attacks our friends.” So you look around the world to see which friend America has attacked and which enemy it has indulged. But all you find is that America's air force, its naval units, it drones and its missiles have only attacked what Jeb would call the bad guys who chose to fight America. So you look around to see what enemies America has indulged but find that it has been handing military and financial aid to countries that Jeb would call the good guys, who chose to stand with America – or in the case of Israel, pretended to stand with America while stabbing it in the back.

So you ask: What the hell is Jeb Bush talking about. More precisely, what the hell have the speechwriters been stuffing in his mouth? You look over his article and find this: “The rest of the world must wonder what it takes to enrage the White House.” So that's it. Jeb Bush wishes that Barack Obama had displayed rage, and he promises that if elected president, he will display rage to the world. It must be that in his view, this will make the world fear America, trust it, love it and do what Israel does which is to pretend standing with America so as to obtain the military secrets it can sell to the Chinese.

Bush makes it clear he is not happy with what he describes as: “the White House issued a half-hearted congratulations” when Netanyahu won 29 seats out of 120 in the Israeli Parliament, instead of the 28 he was predicted to win. Bush does not say what he would have liked to see, but leaves the reader with the impression that maybe a fiesta-like party in the Rose Garden, or dancing in the streets of DC would have satisfied him. And he is serious about that because, he hints that this is the way the world will come to respect America.

But why is that? Well, Bush seems enamored with the regime of apartheid that the Jews have constructed in occupied Palestine. And he seems to resent it when: “the Obama administration treats announcements of new apartment buildings in Jerusalem like acts of aggression.” He explains all that as follows: “This is no way to treat an ally. Conducting the foreign policy of a great nation requires maturity and a strategic sense of America's long-term interests. This is no time for schoolyard antics.”

The trouble is that he does not explain how any of that can be achieved except to put out the general statement that: “Israel and America must work together to build a more prosperous and hopeful future for the region.” But the Israelis and the Jews have had a tremendous influence in shaping America's foreign policy for half a century, never achieving those goals. Moreover, during the 8 years that the W. “ruled” America, the superpower crashed and almost took the world down with it into a financial cesspool shaped like the Star of David.

This is when America could no longer sustain its food and fuel aid to Israel, which is why a rabbi whose name escapes me, started a fellowship tying together the Christians of America and the Jews of Israel with an umbilical cord that sucks the life out of America and sends it to Israel.

The people of the Middle Eastern region look at that spectacle and shake their heads in wonderment. Imagine what they will say if Jeb Bush went to them, a Jew attached to his hip, to say that he is here to work with Israel and “build a more prosperous and hopeful future for the region.”

I can tell you right now how the people of the region will respond. They will say: Take your plan and shove it right up your asshole – you, another bush league asshole … And get out of here never to return.