Saturday, March 28, 2015

Jewish Scorpion trying to eat its UN Mother

There is the simple fact that Israel was begot in 1948 by the United Nations, an act that, in the long run, proved to be a stain on the record of that international body as well as the conscience of the human race. Nevertheless, the world has accepted as fait accompli what it wrought, and has tried to mitigate the horrendous consequences that followed; those unintended and those intended by the mischievous colonial powers of a bygone era.

Ever since that time, the world has watched what it thought was an act of kindness – aimed at saving the Jews from a cruel fate – metastasize physically in the region like a hard-to-cure cancer; and metastasize morally throughout the world by seizing the moral centers of the big powers, insidiously spreading ideas to the effect that biblical style wars and horror will cleanse the Planet and bring about the Jewish Nirvana that humanity has been waiting for since the beginning of time.

One by one; from the Soviet Union to Britain to France, and now the executive administration of the United States of America, the big powers of the day have repudiated what they finally came to realize was the tapestry of repugnance that the Jews – using Israel as their base of operation – have been knitting around the globe. This is when the morbid dance of the scorpion trying to eat its mother was initiated in Israel and taken up by the leaders of the Jewish communities everywhere in the English speaking world.

One Jewish leader that is deeply involved in the attempt to cut-up the institution of the United Nations into bite size portions is John Bolton who suggested that the top third of the UN building in New York where the administrators work, should be dynamited. In fact, he never stopped accusing the institution that created Israel of harming its own creation by insisting that Israel must comply with its resolutions. Bolton has engaged in such accusations, never shying away from insisting that other nations must comply fully with all UN resolutions, or be bombed into the Stone Age.

Bolton has done it again in the article he wrote under the title: “Mischief at the U.N.” and the subtitle: “Obama toys with cutting Israel adrift in the Security Council.” It was published on March 27, 2015 in the Weekly Standard. Rather than attack the UN institution as a whole this time, he attacks the American Administration of Barack Obama for showing signs it has had it up to here with the tapestry of repugnance that the Jewish leaders in America, working with the Israelis, have been knitting around the globe, to insure the continued occupation of Palestine and the spread of biblical style horror everywhere else in the region and beyond.

This article clearly shows how the Jews were able to sell to the big powers of the day the ideas that those powers later discovered were poison decorated like ready-to-eat delicacies, and delivered directly to the mouth. Well, my friend, find a way to protect your mind from blowing, then look at the following passage: “exposing Israel to the tender mercies of its Security Council opponents harms not only Israel's interest, but America's in equal measure.” And why is that? Bolton tells you why: “Roughly half of Washington's Security Council vetoes have been cast against draft resolutions contrary to our Middle East interests.”

And this is the sort of argument that pushers of drugs use to get kids hooked to their poison, and keep them from abandoning the habit. But the Americans have seen what half a century of Jewish advice on the Middle East has done to their interests in the region, and have said enough is enough. Still, Bolton is trying to tell America that it cannot abandon the habit because the symptoms of withdrawal will kill it … but America has stopped listening.

Having lost the leverage they had to force an American Administration – now in office for more than six years – to do what they command it to do, the Jews are using psychological pressure to achieve the goals they refuse to give up. This is what Bolton is doing with this passage: “Obama needs reminding that petulance is for teenagers, not presidents.”

Of course it is. And this is why the kids that never grew up during the four thousand years of their history have been pogromed and holocausted by everyone on this planet, everywhere they went … but no American president has been so treated.

John Bolton, who is one of the custodians in charge of the Holocaust Memorial in Washington, will do well to add an inscription at the entrance of the building that reads: This is what will happen to you if you insist on Jewing the world much longer.