Monday, March 2, 2015

The new Masada Jim-Jones Syndrome

Better known by the nicknames chickenshit and rug-pissing-dog, the prime minister of Israel – who at times goes by the name Bibi the Netanyahu – is a Jewish leader who will soon be preaching to a bunch of American idiots calling themselves legislators, as they huddle together at a site they call the American Congress; a place that is better known to others as the Netanyahu private shit-house.

Netanyahu the Bibi will tell them about the most fundamental precept in the ideology he is proselytizing without revealing it is a death cult that will cause them to want to kill or be killed … not knowing why they are doing it, and not worrying about it one bit. But for us to understand how this situation came about, we need to know something about the evolution of organic life on Planet Earth.

Where organisms live, disputes always arise which are then resolved by one of several means, ranging from the flight of one opponent to the fight that may end up crippling or killing one of them. The remarkable thing is that no organism on Planet Earth has demonstrated the inclination to deliberately fight to the death if it has a way out and the chance to escape. This is certainly true of the human species, which is why it has been so successful at reproducing itself and multiplying its ranks.

But humanity has its exceptions. It can happen that something may affect the psychology of an individual, causing him to want to fight till he kills the opponent or dies trying. Whatever it is that has this effect on some individuals, the leaders of the cult calling itself Jewish, seem to have reproduced it with success, and made it a fundamental precept in the ideology they have fashioned under the Jewish name.

They proselytize their product without mentioning the doom scenario that is built into it. People convert to it not knowing what awaits them, and then wake up to the idea that they have been recruited into a death cult where they are contributing to a simmering fight that will end up killing them or killing their offspring. They realize this will be the inevitable outcome because the Jews will never achieve the alternative … which is to kill everyone on Earth in the Armageddon that the Jewish leaders never stop organizing.

To kill or be killed even when there is a more peaceful alternative is not a new concept to the Judaic cult. Its adherents have lived and died by that precept since before the modern era. A known case, based on a true story, came under the name of Masada Complex, as it unfolded at a place in Palestine called Masada.

That was a time when the Jews had formed several groups antagonistic to each other and to the Romans who were occupying the land. One group specialized in murdering defenseless women and children in nearby villages for no reason than it gave them pleasure to do so. They also managed to occupy the top of a mountain that was called Masada, and where the Romans had a garrison. When the Roman soldiers counter-attacked to retake the garrison, the Jewish leader of the group convinced his followers to set the place ablaze; to kill each other and to kill themselves … which they did.

Since that time, something resembling that performance has unfolded in places where mental stability is known to be rare and getting rarer with the passage of time. The most notorious of those cases happened in Texas, California, Montreal, and in South America where a Californian by the name of Jim Jones took his followers and told them to drink the KOOL AID that ended their lives.

This is the feat that the Netanyahu of Israel is coming to duplicate in America. He plans to meet with the most unstable minds in the Republic, at which time he will tell them about a KOOL Aid formulation he has prepared and named Nuclear Proliferation.

He will tell them to drink his KOOL Aid, and will instruct them to march headlong; first to ram into their President, and then to take the country into a military adventure against Islam. But America will fail to kill all the Muslims, and thus risk being killed as a regime once and for all. In fact, this is what happened to Nazism and Fascism almost eight decades ago, and it can happen again.

So, let’s say it in advance: RIP American regime of exceptional devotion to the Jewish cult of death.