Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Boot Camp for Israel, not Boots on the Ground

Boots on the ground has come to mean that America must send soldiers to invade Arab and Muslim lands with the view of remaining there for an indefinite period of time if not forever, to fight the locals who will resent the American presence, and most certainly resist it in every way they can. This will happen because the Arabs and the Muslims hate the freedom which comes with occupation, says the Jewish delusion.

The Jews of Israel, those of America and those of the English speaking world have always advocated that policy, and have worked covertly and overtly – using their American resources, those of Israel and those they have everywhere else in the world – to implement that policy and make it a reality. The Jewish argument has been that contrary to what humanity has believed for the last 4,000 years, it is the Arabs and the Muslims, not the Jews, who have plagued mankind since the beginning of time.

What is at play here is something that is familiar to teachers; it is also a lesson that some parents learn the hard way. It is that kids turn up the way you raise them. In fact, if you teach a kid that yellow is red, he'll grow up calling red everything that is yellow. When confronted by someone who calls yellow a yellow color, and calls red a red color, the kid will come to believe that he just stepped into a world of the surreal. This is what happened to Mario Loyola who writes: “The Obama administration's statements about the Israeli-Palestinian peace process have a surreal quality about them.” The way to retrain kids so affected is to send them to boot camps.

Loyola wrote that passage in an article which came under the title: “It's Obama, Not Netanyahu, Who's Killed the Two-State Solution,” published on March 22, 2015 in National Review Online. You can tell how seriously distorted the author's view of reality is when you delve into the logic he employs to explain and justify his point of view. An added bonus to the reader is that on that same day, in that same publication, Elliott Abrams published: “Obama Tries to Invent Whatever Excuse He can to Break with Israel,” an article that shows why these people grow up to see the real world as surreal, and why they see the surreal as being reality.

In brief, the way that Mario Loyola describes the narrative of the situation is this: The two-state solution has gone into a coma because Arafat sent it there. Later, Israel was kicked out of Lebanon and Gaza, which is why its army became “populated by 18-year-olds who grew up knowing only that Palestinians want to murder them.” Even then, a peace agreement could have been worked out between the parties, says Loyola, except that President Obama intervened and killed that possibility; a reality that is very real to him, yet one that “nobody in the administration (or the media for that matter) stops to consider.” It is as if the world had gone mad, and that he alone has remained sane.

But what would he do if he had the power? Well, he would reverse “everything [Obama] is doing in the Middle East.” He would not have withdrawn from Iraq, would have done something about Syria, would have treated the Israeli government better, and would now be opposing Iran's nuclear program. All of these being code words that mean American boots must be on Arab and Muslims grounds for ever and ever.

So the question is this: Why did this guy, and others like him, grow up to be like that? Well, you can find at least a hint as to what the answer may be when you look closely at what came in the Elliott Abrams article. To make things easy, you may ignore his opinions which are but a repeat of the same old stuff that earned him the name: baker of shit pies. Pay attention, instead, to something that he reported.

He reported what Obama said to Netanyahu on the phone. Here is an abbreviated version: “We indicated that this rhetoric was contrary to Israel's tradition. Although Israel was founded based on the need to have a Jewish homeland, Israeli democracy has been premised on everybody in the country being treated equally and fairly. If that is lost, it gives ammunition to folks who don't believe in a Jewish state, also I think, starts to erode the meaning of democracy in the country.”

What is wrong with this kind of advice is that it gives the Jew the impression he sits at the center of the universe. To suggest he should refrain from hurting others because it may damage him, is to say it is more important to keep him undamaged than to alleviate the hurt he is inflicting on others.

What should be said to the Jew, instead, and repeated over an over, is that holocaust or no holocaust, if he tries that again, all options will go on the table. This should make him see yellow as yellow, and red as red.