Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Begging to be herded to the Gas Chamber

There is an old saying which goes this way: Those whom God intends to destroy; he first renders them mad. We must accept the validity of this saying because observation of life shows that there is a relationship between the symptom of madness and the destruction that follows. What is in doubt, however, is the role that God plays in the process. But if we take God out of the picture, we may restate the saying like this: Those slated for self-destruction first exhibit symptoms of madness.

And that's what the Jews are now exhibiting for the umpteenth time. If you want to know how it looks like, there is a loud example as to how it sounds like. It sounds like this: “When the President's chief of staff invokes the lexicon of the Palestinian terrorists to describe Israel's democracy...” But you want to know what that lexicon was. Well, are you ready for it? Here it is: “An occupation that has lasted for almost 50 years must end.” That's the language of terrorists? That's what terrorizes the Jews?

That's not made up, my friends. All of it and more is contained in the Wall Street Journal editorial that came under the title: “Obama's Israel Tantrum” and the subtitle: “The leader of the free world takes revenge on an ally,” published on March 25, 2015. What's more, the editors of that Jewish publication go on to ponder: “Americans and the world are left to wonder whose side the leader of the free world is on.” By that they mean: Is he on the side of the Palestinians or the Jews?

What these characters are not equipped mentally to grasp is that the world could not care less which side America is on because the world knows which side humanity is on. It is on the side of the Jews. No, not on the side of the Jews maintaining the occupation of Palestine; on the side of the Jews being herded to the gas chamber if that's what it will take to end the occupation of Palestine. Take it for granted, all of you feeble minds out there, you will not collect a thimbleful of tears from the entire planet if the Jews are once again marked for extermination. They are desperately begging for this to happen and they may just get it.

But what's the editorial about, anyway? It's about a small group of peace-loving Jews calling themselves J Street, who understood that nearly 4,000 years of lessons hammered into the heads of Jews to the effect that enough is enough, should convince all Jews that this is their last chance to live like the rest of humanity or suffer the consequences of what they are forging.

President Obama's Chief of Staff, Denis McDonough spoke to that group – which is a welcome change from the annual pilgrimage that America's administrations have been making to the war-advocating AIPAC – and it was this event that stirred the bile of the Wall Street Journal editors. To express their anger, they unleashed a vicious barrage of insults at their American president to make the bloodthirsty Jewish prime minister of Israel look good.

What is worrying the editors is that America has finally got a President that decided it was time to kick the beggar in the ass when he steps out of line to aggressively demand that he be given what he asks for, rather than gently request to be assisted. Thus, like the sick dog that ate a piece of meat laced with cyanide, they puked this piece of filth: “Remarks of presidential pique – including the threat of an end to U.S. backing of Israel at the United Nations.” You don't threaten to kick a puking sick dog; you kick it. Period.

Here is one more Jewish habit about which humanity has had it up to here. For a number of decades now, the Israeli media outlets which are aimed at the Arab world have been working to convince their listeners that the Jews control the American military so effectively, they could command it to wipe them out … and the command will be obeyed instantly and without question.

Later, when Communism fell and the Easter European nations started to look for opportunities outside what used to be the Warsaw Pact, the Jews told the leaders of those nations that they own the American Congress so tightly; the Congress will only do what the Jews ask it to do. Thus, it behooves the leaders of those nations to be nice to Israel so as to be rewarded with American gifts – courtesy of World Jewry.

And now, the Jews have turned the table, telling America: “All of America's traditional Arab friends in the region are now closer to Mr. Netanyahu's position on the Middle East than Mr. Obama's.” That's poppycock, nonsense, hooey, bunk and hokum. It is Jewish through and through, which means it is meaningless.