Friday, April 17, 2015

Snake Pit Attendant running for Office

There was a time, following the explosion of an atomic bomb by the former Soviet Union, in which the self-designated Free World began to worry that the Communist regime in the Union and its Warsaw Pact satellites will come under severe economic pressure and fall. This prediction came true, but the worry that the Pact of the “Eastern” bloc will unleash its military on the world before dying, turned out to be “Western” paranoia.

What happened instead, shortly before the fall of the Berlin Wall, was that the leaders of the Soviet Union and its former satellites began to realize that their centrally planned economic system was not efficient, and they should liberalize it before it crashes – an event that will cause the state itself to implode. And so, the Communist leaders allowed for change to come into their system. In some cases they even asked the West to help them smooth out the transition.

Looking at the world today, the saying that applies most aptly is this: The shoe is on the other foot. In fact, from the looks of it, the members of the Free World are coming under increased economic pressure while those of the 'Second' and 'Third' Worlds are experiencing the sort of high growth that has allowed the 'First' World to begin industrializing a couple of centuries before the rest. And the question is this: Should humanity worry that sensing it might implode, the so-called Free World of the NATO alliance will unleash its military on the world before dying?

Right now, a small segment of the intelligentsia in those countries – calling itself Right Wing – is advocating the use of the military to solve problems it has not yet identified. But in all of this, what cannot be ignored is the paradox of the Right Wing in America being mostly populated by Jewish members, whereas the Right Wing in Europe is mostly populated by anti-Jewish members. How the interaction between these two will end is anyone's guess, but the one thing that remains glaring is that religion will continue to play a large role in America.

In fact, there is in America a religious movement calling itself Evangelical, which can better be characterized as political Judeo-Christianity. It boasts several million voters, which is why everyone running for office on the Right seeks to woo these people. However, instead of carrying a card that says they are members of the ideological faith, the candidates who seek office go before the group and declare allegiance to it. They do so by shouting out their infinite and eternal love, as well as their dedication to Israel and to its Right Wing leaders.

One of those – apparently running for office – is closer to being a religious figure more than a politician; and he goes by the name Mike Huckabee. It happened that a week ago or thereabout, he published a written piece and a video in which he said something to the effect that when you deal with Political Islam, you're dealing with rattlesnakes. He recommends that you take their heads off with a shotgun before they bite you – because the one thing you can be sure of is that snakes will bite you if they can. He included Iran in what he described as Political Islam of the rattlesnake variety.

This conjured up the image of Palestine being the paradise that remained heavenly for almost twenty centuries, but was then rattled by a movement of Political Judaism calling itself Zionism. This happened because of what people everywhere see as the Zionist snake that came to dig itself a pit in Palestine, and turn it into the nest out of which horrors of biblical dimensions will be unleashed on the world.

But of course, a snake pit of this kind requires that someone be there to nurture it, protect it and feed it. Call him a snake pit attendant, that's exactly what Mike Huckabee has been to Israel. Whereas other devoted fanatics have worked to transfer money, money, money from America to Israel, Huckabee realized that residents of a snake pit cannot live by money alone.

What he realized was that the Jews of Israel required protein on which to live. And so, while he joined other attendants in bringing money, money, money to them, Huckabee went beyond all that, and brought them protein. Yes, my dear reader, Mike Huckabee organized for plain loads of American youngsters to be transported to Israel, from whom blood – real blood out of their arms, not metaphorical blood – was drawn to feed something or someone in Israel.

This surely demolishes the claim that the old “blood libel” was a fabrication. It also cements the claim that the Jews never stop working to start wars, and live on the blood which results from them.