Monday, April 6, 2015

The Jewish Method of debasing 'Friends'

How did the Israelis and the leaders of America's Jews manage to push the former Superpower into so many wars and so many conflicts in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, thus ruining the finances of the country, and lowering its standing in the world … down to a level of uselessness heretofore attributable only to Israel and the Jewish ideology?

They did it by playing a version of the game they now play in the effort to push America into a conflict with Iran. This is one that has the potential, not only to ruin America's finances and its standing in the world, but to bury it like a dead corpse. In fact, the Israelis and the American Jews are telling the mentally retarded in the Congress to kill the nuclear deal that was worked out between the (P5+1) and Iran, while ratcheting up the sanctions till Iran accepts the “Western” conditions which are yet to be specified.

The idea behind this plan is to steer the American-Iranian situation to a place that is similar to where the Israeli-Palestinian situation stands at this time. It is that, having gotten all that they could from the Palestinians, and having kept the door open for themselves to do as they wish, the Israelis froze the situation at a point where the Palestinians are maintained in a paralyzed state while the Israelis are given a free hand to steal more and more of the Palestinian lands and properties.

In a similar fashion, the Israelis and their Jewish collaborators in America are advocating the freezing of the situation pertaining to the nuclear deal with Iran, at a point where they envisage the Iranians being kept in a paralyzed state, and the Western powers having a free hand at destroying the Iranian economy bit by bit and sanction by sanction. This is how the open ended Jewish game of never having a plan B or an exit strategy is designed; the reason why it always fails … if not right away, then later on.

Perhaps what encourages the Jewish leaders of America to push for the playing of this game on the Iranians, is that they see how well they have succeeded at paralyzing the American Congress when it comes to conducting America's business while fast-tracking Israel's business as if America had no other priorities. What the Jews fail to see, however, and what no one is telling them, is that resentment is slowly building in the hearts of Americans. It is the kind of resentment that explodes without warning but with the potential to cause irreparable damage.

As to the Palestinian question, what must have looked like a cakewalk to the Israelis and their American supporters, is now beginning to look like a nightmare in the making … with the Palestinians taking their case to the international institutions. This happened because the Israelis pushed the Palestinians into realizing that the Americans were not the honest brokers they pretended to be but were the accomplices of Israel in the commission of crimes against humanity that have been inflicted on them for at least the past twenty years.

And now, there is the potential for horrific damage to be inflicted on America and the world, with the Jewish push to have the Americans reject the deal they worked out between themselves, their partners and Iran. However, unlike the Palestinians who had no choice but to go along and play the Jewish game when it was imposed on them, the Iranians cannot be compelled to play the game … as indeed, they have indicated they will not.

Cornered by the Jews, as it always happens, America is now left with no peaceful pathway to come out the corner in which the Jewish leaders have pushed it. The former superpower is now left with no choice but to force its way out, which means it will hurt people in the process. This is something it could do without, having lived for too long already by stepping on the necks of innocent people; an activity that made it lose their respect; one that turned them into revenge-seeking enemies.

In short, the Jewish habit of continually starting new adventures and pushing “friends” into situations that have neither a plan B nor an exist strategy, may seem like winning strategies at first; but they always end up in disaster for the Jews and their friends. This is why the Jews have run out of friends … except for the Americans whose Congress is populated by the mentally retarded.

But the time is approaching when even the mentally retarded Americans will wake up and tell the Jews to walk into the hell of their making by themselves because America has better things to do.