Monday, April 13, 2015

The real so-called Jewish Golden Rule

Reading the New York Times editorial of April 12, 2015, you would think that the editors who wrote it are oblivious of what they have themselves brewed over the decades.

These people were warned over and over that when they listen to the whispers of Jews in their ears, and when they write hateful lies about innocent people, they construct the slippery slope on which the Jews will someday slide, and do to America what they make America do to others.

This is the Jewish Golden Rule; it was explained to them ... the real Jewish so-called Golden Rule. Well, as it happened, that someday has come, and look at the editors of the Times weep their eyes out as they discuss: “A New Phase in Anti-Obama Attacks” in their April 12, 2015 editorial; a work that tells the world these editors haven't learned a thing.

Perhaps the reason why they and the American people are confused as to how and why their country has transformed the way it did, is that they see the current polarization as pitting Left and Right against each other, not realizing that this is purely a Jewish phenomenon and not an all-encompassing American phenomenon. And this situation could have developed only because the Jewish controlled media has been describing as American an event that is primarily a Jewish civil war where the traditional Jewish Liberals stand on one side and the breakaway Jewish Neocons stand on the other side.

Furthermore, you can see in the opening sentence of the editorial how the confusion gets to be aggravated when people who should be thinking in depth about the how and why of the matter treat it superficially. Look at this passage: “As Barack Obama's presidency heads into its twilight, the rage of the Republican establishment toward him is growing louder, angrier and more destructive.” Here, the attack on the presidency is connected to the fact that it is in its twilight years, which should make you ask the question: When did this phenomenon first appear if it ever did before? There is also mention of the Republican establishment without the elucidation that it is a lair of Jewish Neocons and their brainwashed Evangelical admirers.

As the editors of the Times expand on how they see the situation, they admit: “It is impossible to dismiss the notion that race plays a role in it.” And they tell you why they reached this conclusion. First, there is the fact that the President's opponents have tried to “undermine his very legitimacy as president.” Second, they questioned his “American citizenship.” Third, they planted in the mind of people “the false idea that he was secretly Muslim.” So, you ask: How could these editors have missed seeing that this situation must have evolved as a result of sliding down the slope they themselves constructed when they attacked innocent Arabs and Muslims to please the whispering Jewish financiers, advertisers, subscribers and contributors who monopolized their ears?

Drawing on the work of others, the editors of the Times have even argued that an odor of the American Civil War oozes out of this brew. They say this much not realizing that the current war is a Jewish civil war, not an American one. They also say this much not realizing that the brew is what they themselves have concocted when they allowed their ears to take in Jewish fabricated slanderous accusations against the Arabs and the Muslims; accusations of the kind which are now thrown at Obama.

It can be said that the slippery slope has worked as well as it was intended to. Ironically, however, it seems that those who constructed it do not realize that the success they see is owed to a large extent to their own work and their dedication. This obliviousness is evident by the way that they end the editorial. They write as follows: “If this insurrection is driven by something other than a blend of ideological extremism and personal animosity, it is not clear what that might be.”

What these people should know is that the insurrection is indeed driven by ideological extremism. It is a Jewish ideology which says that the Jews are so apart from everyone else, everyone must be mobilized to work for their glory and the glory of Israel. It is also a Jewish extremism that knows no restraint; an extremism that lets everything take on biblical dimensions no matter the consequences, however destructive the ultimate effects.