Thursday, April 2, 2015

The true Face of an evil Ideology

Finally, a Jew who also happens to be a big wig in the Israeli hierarchy was rattled so badly by the events that have unfolded lately; he came right out and spilled his unfiltered guts. When this happened, the smooth double talk by which the Jews in Israel and elsewhere were able to lull the world and maintain it in the complacency mode, melted way and exposed the true face of evil for what it is.

Up to now the Jews could make the world ignore the crimes against humanity that were committed by the occupation of Palestine – but no more thanks to Daniel Doron who spilled his guts. He also highlighted the harshness with which the Jews have been treating the Palestinians, and the savagery with which they intend to hang on to the occupation. This is the naked look of the Jewish ideology they want the world to believe is a religion ... it has been revealed by one of its adherents.

Daniel Doron wrote: “A Palestinian State: Why Not?” and had it published on April 1, 2015 in the Weekly Standard. He begins by mentioning what Netanyahu had said about the establishment of a Palestinian state, and then sets out to justify it because: “the declaration was greeted with alarm among the commentariat.” He goes on to protest that the establishment of a Palestinian state leading to peace “has become an article of faith immune to fact or reason.”

What cons the Jews into believing that their ideology is a religion, is that the ideology stands on the conviction they can see the future and predict what will happen if they relent on doing what they are doing … which is what the world sees as evil. Thus, after unleashing the customary Jewish diatribe against the Palestinian Authority – which is the enemy he chose for the day – Doron predicts that if granted statehood, Palestine “will be taken over by Hamas [that] would promptly launch massive missile attacks against the heart of Israel.”

The Jewish author does not stop here with predictions he now presents as facts. Well, these would be facts from the future that only the Jews claim to have the gift of knowing. Thus, he reports from the future that: thousands could be killed; Israel's civil infrastructure would suffer; Israel will conquer the West Bank causing thousands of Arab and Jewish casualties; the remaining Arabs would flee to Jordan where they will destabilize the monarchy; Hamas will establish a state dominated by Iran.

And here is a “Jewish beauty.” To justify that the Jews have a moral claim to Palestinian land, the Jews must first convince the world that anyone, anywhere in the world who converts to Judaism has the right to take the place of a Palestinian family that lived in Palestine since the beginning of time. How do they do that? Doron shows us how. He asks the question: “As for moral claim to Palestinian land?” And he answers: There is none.

To explain all that, he does more than mutilate history, he snatches a history that is neither from the past of this Planet nor its future ... it must be from a parallel universe. Look at the following passage and wonder why this guy is not locked up in some institution: “When the Arabs received 93% of the vast Ottoman Empire, their representative, the Emir Faisal, willingly relinquished any claim to the territory that became a British mandate designated to establish a Jewish national home. He welcomed the Jews back to their fatherland.” The Arab representative gave us Palestine, says this Jewish author, thus welcoming the Jewish rape of Palestine

And that territory, my friend, includes the West Bank that Israel is said to occupy. No, says Doron “about the monstrous occupation that the White House said must end. There isn't one … any occupation is only by members of the Palestinian Liberation Organization who were brought to the West Bank from Tunisia.” And this, in a nutshell, is the kind of logic that my Jewish friend in Montreal once said gives every Jew a one-way ticket to the gas chamber. Doron says that the West Bank is not occupied by the Jews of the Israeli army; it is occupied by the Palestinian government in exile that was bombed by Israel in Lebanon and sought refuge in Tunisia.

He now admits that the first generation of Palestinians living under occupation from 1967 to 1987 reflected the tame character that the Arabs are famous for. It was during the second generation and beyond it that young Palestinians, growing under Jewish rule, began to fight fire with fire. He longs for the old days, and blames their disappearance not on the Jewish occupation of Palestine but the Palestinian occupation of Palestine.

If my Jewish friend from Montreal were still with us, he would throw his hands up in the air and cry out: Light up the oven.