Friday, April 3, 2015

The Asterisk that counts the most

If you have been around children between the ages of 3 and 6, or if you remember yourself at that age, you can tell that the fictitious example which follows is not an exaggeration. It is the story of a child at that age who looks everyday at the house being built across the street and tells her mother that the house looks bad because it does not have a red roof like the one beside it. And the mother keeps telling the child that the roof is the last thing they install on a house … and so she'll have to wait till this happens.

This is what comes to mind when you listen to the supposed grownups who whine about one thing or another that is still missing in what has been negotiated up to now between the world powers. And this is what you see in the piece that was written by the editorial team at the Wall Street Journal under the title: “Obama's Iran 'Framework'*” which also came under the subtitle: “*Details to be disclosed, and even negotiated, later.” It was published on April 3, 2015.

To be sure, this is not the first time that something like this has happened. In fact, Henry Kissinger was hounded by the child-like grownups who incessantly barked at him during the SALT negotiations, that something was missing because they could not see how these negotiations were going to reduce the number of warheads that each of the US and the USSR had in their arsenals. And Kissinger kept reminding them that in the “current” arms race, you first negotiate a halt to the race and then reverse it.

But there is a difference between what was happening then and what was said about it – and what is happening now and what is said about it. It is that politics used to stop at the water's edge in those days; it does not now. Worse, everything is now spun as if captured by the centrifuges of the Jewish propaganda machine. Look at the following “damned if you do and damned if you don't” approach used by the followers of that machine, and you'll understand why America is so paralyzed: “The framework is only an understanding … but Mr. Obama wanted to announce some agreement … lest Congress ratchet up sanctions on Iran.” The fault is not that of Obama; it is that of a system which used to work well till the Jews dragged it into their cesspool of uselessness.

After mentioning a few things they like in the deal, the editors of the Journal pull from their sleeve the Jewish joker whose jokes are too deadly to be funny. It is this: “All this would be somewhat reassuring if the U.S. were negotiating a nuclear deal with Holland or Costa Rica – that is, a law-abiding state with no history of cheating on nuclear agreements. But that's not Iran.” Look who's talking. This is the same U.S. which is twisting arms day in and day out, and kicking in the teeth the nations that dare to demand that Israel be made to abide by the laws which everyone else is asked to obey or forced to obey.

To buttress their argument, the editors make it sound like Iran has violated a provision of the Additional Protocol that was added to the Non-Proliferation Treaty in1997 when in fact, no such provision ever existed. Moreover, the same characters are now moaning that Iran has promised to sign the Protocol again … with the “anywhere, anytime” provision still not included in it. And they blame Iran for that? The truth is that – like the Hollands and the Costa Ricas of their dream – Iran did not cheat on any agreement, but the editors of the Wall Street Journal committed an unforgivable act of intellectual dishonesty.

And now, they pull the joker from their sleeve again: “Another giant asterisk concerns the lifting of sanctions.” They express this concern because, they say, there are loopholes of the kind that allowed North Korea to field nuclear weapons after reaching its deals with the U.N. and the U.S. And they do something that is very Jewish; they slap guilt on Iran by association: “Iran is probably North Korea's best friend.” So what, when neither is twisting arms on behalf of the other the way that America twists arms on behalf of blood-thirsty Israel?

Speaking of themselves and those like them, the editors do another thing that is Jewish. They predict what will happen in the Middle East if Mr. Obama does not listen to them. They call it a “horrific war a decade from now.” This will happen, they say, because “contrary to the President, the critics of his Iran framework do not want war.”

Coming from those caught practicing intellectual dishonesty, this is enough to gall you for the day. Still they end with this: “That's why this agreement needs a thorough vetting and genuine debate.” The trouble is, they don't know that a genuine debate rests on the intellectual honesty the Jews robbed them of.

And that's the asterisk that counts the most.