Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Cart that never pulled a Horse

Almost since the beginning of time, and right after members of the human species (called people) began to domesticate the horse, did the people discover that the proper way to doing things, was to put the horse at the front and put the cart behind it. And so, they reasoned that this must be the natural way to doing things because the horse can pull the cart whereas the cart cannot pull the horse.

Yet, once in a while, there came someone who tried to do things the other way around. That is, they put the cart before the horse expecting to see it pull the horse. But this never happened, and the people who tried the trick ultimately failed at whatever they were seeking to accomplish. For a reason that remains unresolved to this day, we find that members of a certain ideology calling itself Judaism are more prone at putting the cart before the horse than any other group. These people are referred to by the collective name: Jews.

Their habit became a metaphor, often used in the English language, to describe the people – Jews or gentiles – who try to do things in violation of the principle of causality. That is, instead of accepting that the cause spawns the effect, they insist on seeing the effect as spawning the cause. And they plan much of what they do on this false principle. As individuals, they suffer in life because normal people maintain their distance from them. As for the collective Jew, humanity has avoided it, even punished it since the beginning of time.

Some individuals (even if they do not fit the full definition of being a Jew,) take up the Jewish causes and defend them based on the fallacy that the effect causes the cause. Needless to say that the novelty of their presentation first intrigues those who never heard of such a thing previously, a situation that allows the Jews to score a few initial successes. But in time, even the naïve begin to see that it is unsafe to forge a close relationship with the Jew who says and does strange things – even if fascinating – day after day.

William Kristol who may not fit the definition of a full-fledged Jew has tried for years to explain the world through the principle of the effect spawning the cause. He is doing it again in an article that came under the title: “Unravel the Deal,” published in the Weekly Standard on April 10, 2015. To be sure, this title refers to the conclusion of arguments he makes about a framework between Iran and the “West” for an agreement that is yet to be finalized. In fact, that conclusion was made even before the framework had come out. In short, Kristol and those like him, put the cart before the horse, having seen or identified neither the horse nor the cart.

When the Jews began to unveil their approach to logic half a century ago in America, they fascinated the existing chattering classes so much, the naïve among them thought that the Jews were the smartest thing to grace Planet Earth since before there even was an Earth to grace or to defile. The most naïve among these people being those who run for office by repeating what their handlers stuff in their mouths, the Congress of the United States became a massive repository for the twisted logic of the Jews. And then, that same Congress was transformed into the instrument that the Jews have been employing to coerce the world into doing things the Jewish way, an approach that has eroded America's importance in World affairs.

You can see how the Jews and their supporters do it when you read this passage: “It might be possible to put pressure on Obama and Kerry that they would have to clarify aspects of the deal in ways that might cause Iran's supreme leader to decide it's not worth it. We can find devilish details to highlight, exacerbate the tensions, make unacceptable the ambiguities, and thus tempt the Iranians to decide to walk away.”

In fact, that has been the classic Jewish method to making the world powers – big and small – walk away from an America that is increasingly becoming radio-active in their eyes. In the Middle East, for example, the Jewish propaganda machine would predict that the Jews will make America do something unacceptable to the locals, then stuff the kind of words in the mouth of an American official that confirm the prediction. And the locals would conclude that America had become too much of a Jewish toilet to stick around and smell the stink.

With this success under its belt, World Jewry employed a similar method to drive the Asians and the Europeans – East and West – away from America.

The Jews used to be subtle playing this game but no more. They are so brash now, they no longer show fear or shame standing on the dome of Capitol Hill from where they piss on the American people below. It is that they know the Jews in the Congress, and the Jewish propaganda machine in the field will protect them.