Monday, April 20, 2015

They robbed him; he wants back what is his

The editors of the Wall Street Journal are unhappy with the Ayatollah of Iran because they say he is getting what he wants. They treat him as if he were a bloodsucking Netanyahu in the business of whipping the American Congress into giving him all the weapons that a terrorist regime desires; also give him money, money, money.

But the fact is that the Ayatollah wants nothing that's not his. All he wants is what America and some of its friends froze when they listened to the whispers of the devil himself. You can see what that devil has done to America when you read “Whatever the Ayatollah Wants,” an editorial in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) that also came under the subtitle: “President Obama keeps giving and giving and giving.” It was published on April 20, 2015.

What the editors do not have the IQ to grasp is that in saying Obama is giving and giving and giving, they have admitted that America had been taking and taking and taking. Well, in the civilized worlds that have not yet been contaminated by Jewish whispers, such activities are called thievery. It is that America has coerced some of its friends into joining it to freeze that which belongs to Iran. And why is that? Because the Jews, who do nothing unless they are forced into it, believe that everybody is like them. Therefore, they seek a giant – such as the American Congress – that is also a retarded specimen; and use it to coerce the enemy they choose for the day.

The latest memory the Jews have of what was done to them, is the time when the Nazis humiliated their elders by having them spit on the floor and lick the thing in full view of the family and the neighbors. And this is the sort of humiliation that the Jews wish to inflict on their enemy of the day. Thus, even if the Iranians accept every condition imposed on them, the Jews will still force America to try and squeeze a humiliating something out of Iran. If you want to know how they would go about doing this, study the history of the negotiations that went on for two decades between a fully armed Israel and a totally disarmed Palestine.

Until you do that, look at the WSJ editorial at hand, and pick out indications to the effect that humiliation is what these people wish to inflict on Iran. They start by identifying the demands that were made by the U.S. and its European partners; and by naming the additional U.S. positions – all of which were made before anyone had begun to negotiate with Iran. In fact, they were all Jewish demands and positions … which is why the editors of the Journal are unhappy that the Western negotiating team did not force Iran to take them and be humiliated, or leave them and be bombed.

Because the West failed to make all that as clear as can be to the Iranians, the editors of the Journal lament that Iran will now get back 30 to 50 billion dollars of its own money. In addition, the chances are that more relief from the sanctions will be granted without a credible guarantee that they will be snapped back if Iran cheats. And the editors sort of predict this will happen because the charges of cheating will go to an international committee for resolution … not a Jewish dominated American tribunal. And this will be enough of an incentive for the Iranians to cheat, say the editors of the Journal who speak on behalf of the Jews.

But the bomb is not really what the Jews fear about the Iranians. What they fear is encapsulated in the saying: “He is too smart for his own good.” This is not an analogy which exactly compares a young genius who is also mischievous ... to an Iran that can do nuclear research yet remains dangerous to the world. But it is close enough to show that the Jewish fear is the progress that is made by Iran and by any of Israel's neighbors.

The Jews reckon that if the neighbors get so much ahead of the American weapons supplied to Israel – the latter will be deterred from creating chaos in the region, thus run out of pretexts to ask for donations on which to live. The flow of money will dry up as will the supply of weapons.

This is why the Jews want to deprive Iran (as well as all the neighbors) of any progress – military or otherwise – that would advance those neighbors economically or militarily. The American Congress is too stupid to understand these realities, and will continue to do what it does now. It is diminishing America by a ton for every ounce of accommodation it gives to Israel.

As to the rest of the world, it can be said that those who were under an American spell or a Jewish one, have snapped out of it. They are looking after their own interests … leaving America behind, and leaving the Jews to their fate. It is what their leaders have been inflicting on them for nearly forty centuries.