Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Desperate Attempt to keep a lost Cause alive

I am sorry to report that the expectations we all had to seeing the Jews discard their state of delusion and come to grips with reality, has not panned out. They continue to see the world through the lens of the cocoon in which they live, and continue to advise their followers in the American Congress of fools on the basis of erroneous information, ignorant analysis and dubious motivation.

You get a sense of the full panoply of this unfolding horror when you read the article that came under the title: “Iran Deal Huge Victory for Regime's Hardliners,” written by Lee Smith and published in the Weekly Standard on July 21, 2015. He basically says that yes, the hardliners benefited from the sanctions regime which put them in the strong position where they currently sit. But now that they are there, relaxing the sanctions will not chase them out of that position … in fact, will even make them stronger.

He uses the economic argument to develop his thesis. He begins with the $150 billion of Iran's own money that will be returned to the Iranians – a sum of money he calls “signing bonus” and “cash windfall.” Sadly, using such misnomers already says something about the level of seriousness he brings to the discussion on a subject that's as important as this. But the point he makes revolves around the idea that the hardliners, known as the Revolutionary Guards, have taken control of a big chunk of the economy, and the money that the country will receive will go to them … which is how they will get stronger.

Lee Smith then advances a curious kind of argument to make the last point stick, which he uses to counter and refute the thesis of the Obama administration that contends the Iranians will use the money to repair their economy, revitalize it and catch up on what they missed during the time that the sanctions were imposed on them. No, says Smith, this is not going to happen because that kind of transformation is the exclusive purview of people like the Israelis and the Americans who know how to run a modern, competitive and thriving economy, something that is totally alien to the people of Iran.

He goes on to say that even the German, Italian and Japanese investors who will go look for opportunities in Iran, will not be able to do anything about that situation because “Iranian society has none of the basic features that would drive a vital and dynamic economy like Israel's or America's.” He disparages the Iranian educational system which, he says, does not produce the IT innovators or entrepreneurs that can make software and apps.

Thus, he concludes that “Obama may believe that Iran has the makings of a very impressive regional power, but the reality is that Iran's economy is one of the least dynamic in the world.” He then gets into a polemic that is reminiscent of what is said hush-hush about Israel's ambiguous pretense it has a nuclear arsenal. Look at this:

“The hard thing to do is not figuring out the science it takes to build a bomb – some U.S. high schoolers know how to do it. The hard thing rather is to build the technical, economic, and industrial infrastructure it takes to manufacture the bomb. The Iranians are incapable of making almost all of this.”

If anything, this says that Lee Smith has no idea Iran has all of this and more … much more. In fact, it is a lot more difficult to produce the centrifuges than to produce the components which are needed to make the bomb and assemble it. Iran is not only making first generation centrifuges, it is making the more advanced version, and has a program to research and develop even more advanced centrifuges, something that is giving heartburn to the likes of Netanyahu and those who speak on his behalf.

If Israel were to duplicate Iran's industrial base relying solely on its Jewish workers, it will have to shut down all of its manufacturing plants, retrain all of its blue collar workers and turn the whole country into a North Korea style highly disciplined society, living on a bowl of rice a day and working like dogs.

The truth is that the Iranians can produce the bomb if they want to. Israel cannot and will not for a long time, if ever. Israel can only stage laughable little stunts to make it look like it has the bomb. It can also call on its mouthpieces at CNN and Fox News to mumble things about Israel's nuclear arsenal, but all of that is nothing more than BS. It is Jewish BS that tells the foot soldiers to keep working for the cause; the lost cause that will never amount at anything.