Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Learning the wrong Lessons from History

There are potentially two big mistakes you can make when trying to learn from history. The first is a mistake that's made in all sorts of cultures. It entails the belief that history repeats itself in the exact same manner time after time. The second is to predict what will happen in the future if you act now or fail to act in a prescribed way. This is a mistake that Jews and those who come under their influence make, thus proving themselves to be wrong time after time.

You can see how these mistakes shape both the mentality and the activities that take nations, even the world, to the brink of disaster. What you need to do is study the article that came under the title: “It's North Korea, all over again” and the subtitle: “Unless the West learns from past mistakes, Iran will get an easy path to the bomb.” It was written by Ed Royce who is Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in the American legislature, and was published on June 29, 2015 in the Washington Times.

Royce first says: “We've seen this before … with the regime in North Korea,” and later says: “History is about to repeat itself [because] the Obama administration looks willing to concede to Iran the same loopholes we gave North Korea.” He then makes a bizarre remark related to what “the predictable result” was then, which raises the question: if the result was predicted why was the deal made with North Korea? Still, he goes on to predict that Iran will produce the bomb and do bad things to the region and the world. This is because “without full ability to inspect the military sites, we'll be verifying in the dark, just as we were with North Korea,” he goes on to say.

And that's what demonstrates both the ignorance and the pathology behind the Ed Royce presentation. The thing is that a twelve year old kid could tell him – and all those of his IQ level – that if the military sites can be inspected anywhere, anytime, the Iranians will not build a secret bomb on a military site. Should this be their desire, they will build the bomb on a secret site that the “anywhere, anytime inspections” protocol will not detect. So the question is posed: Is the IQ of Ed Royce so low that he could not make that judgment himself? Perhaps yes, perhaps not … after all, he is under Jewish influence, and anything can happen in this condition.

However, in case the man is intelligent enough to have figured out the obvious, why would he want to inspect Iran's military sites? Well, there is a possible good answer. It is that he may have something else in mind. It would be something that has nothing to do with the atomic bomb – which would be useless for Iran to have, anyway – and having to do with attaining another objective; one that has been gnawing at the Jewish entrails for nearly 4,000 years. It is their visceral desire to dominate the world – as promised in their folklore – by taking over the big power of the day, use its might to take over the Middle East, and go from there to dominate the world.

And because an economically strong Iran would stand in the way of the Jews seeing that prophesy fulfilled, they want the likes of Ed Royce to demand allowing American (read Jewish) spying on Iran's military installations … and also do something else. It would be for America to maintain the economic sanctions on Iran. To this end, Royce accuses them of something bad they will do in the future. According to Royce “the Iranians want billions in sanctions relief they could funnel into terrorist groups they fund.” He picks the same theme again near the end of the article: “[They] will have billions of dollars they can use to further destabilize the region.”

This is when the Jewish American beating of the breast (in the manner of a triumphalist ape) comes to mind. After all, the Jews are the ones who brag that they and Israel can spy on anyone, recruit those who will do their bidding, and hurt, if not topple, the regimes that refuse to be friends with them. And that's indicative of the reversal of truth that is endemic to the Jewish culture. We see another reversal in the Ed Royce article: “Iran is about to be given the stamp of international legitimacy,” thanks to the attitude of the American administration.

The fact that Iran has always been so lucky as to enjoy international legitimacy, and continues to enjoy that status while Israel never did and perhaps never will – tells you that the Ed Royces of the world are living in a fantasy formulated in their delusional minds. Worse, it is that same delusion which tells them they can split the world into satellite states that will remain in their orbit; and rogue states they will have to whip and lasso to keep them from causing mischief. This, in fact, is a Jewish idea that has failed time after time for nearly 4,000 years. They will not give up trying to pull it off, which is the definition of insanity, but what's Ed Royce's excuse?

Anyway, welcome to that world, America. You're about to experience the fall that other empires have seen before you. They fell under their own weight; you're being brought down by the dark power of the Jewish ideology.