Friday, July 3, 2015

They mutilated History, now they maul Logic

The editors of the New York Daily News have devised a new way to make their point. In the piece they wrote under the title: “Mauled by the mullahs” and the subtitle: “Obama is rushing headlong into a disastrous nuclear deal with Iran,” they put words into the mouth of the Iranians, and then quoted them directly.

That approach has had the effect of showing how different the two versions are. Therefore, it can only serve to demonstrate that the editors of the rag – who used to mutilate history – are now in the business of mauling logic itself. The notorious editorial was published on July 3, 2015 in the New York Daily News.

Speaking in the name of the mullahs, here is what President Hassan Rouhani said will happen if the talks fail ... as reported by the editors of the rag themselves: “the government [of Iran] will be ready to immediately reverse the path in a more severe way than they can ever dream of.” In case you wondered, this does not sound as severe as: “all options are on the table” because the Iranians are more gentlemanly than their counterparts, the Jewish pundits of America.

But the following are the words which the editors put into Rouhani's mouth: “We have no nuclear weapons program. You must immediately give us a nuclear program, and immediately remove the punishing economic sanctions meant to deter us from developing one. If you don't do that, we'll use our program, which we do not have, to build a nuclear weapon within months.” Look at the difference between the two versions, and you'll realize how far off the mark the screwy logic of Jewish punditry can take these people. It is scary.

And what do the editors call that? They call it: “radical Islamist craziness.” They go on to say that the Iranian position is absurd, and they lament that “the Obama administration is frantically pressing ahead to close the deal.” They use the word 'frantically' despite the fact that they say Iran has pursued its nuclear program for more than a decade and that the current talks have gone into overtime … all of which suggests that the negotiators are relaxed and not frantic. Well, maybe the editors are, and they imagine seeing the negotiators when looking in the mirror. Maybe they need a psychiatrist.

Still, with that same distorted vision, they call Iran “a very evil state – one publicly committed to the destruction of Israel and America.” The editors say this much despite the fact that the Americans, and not the Iranians, were the ones to have said that all options were on the table … which is understood to mean that if the talks fail, America will bomb Iran to kingdom come.

Well, this would not be the first time that America or Israel attempted to inflict this much horror on innocent people, but they are not considered evil for actually doing it … as much as Iran is evil for having the potential to do it without actually doing it. That's Jewish logic.

Moreover – Israel which has hundreds of mouthpieces dispersed around the world – especially in the English speaking world, has had its megaphones amplify the warning that Israel has a nuclear arsenal and submarines to deliver them onto the cities of Iran. This bravado may be the phantom erection of the Jewish eunuch, but it is indicative of a belligerent character that weeps with envy at the gentle and dignified power of his opponent.

At this point, the editorial displays the mark of its Jewishness by doing something that's very Jewish. The editors bite the hand which they beg to start strangling the opponent they cannot scare.

Look at this series of passages: “Secretary of State John Kerry said that he wasn't concerned … That too is crazy.” They continue with this: “the Obama administration seems to be negotiating on its behalf, such is the desperation...” And with this: “President Obama was forced to admit...” But they don't say who forced him to admit – this being the Jewish habit of automatically flashing their castration, not realizing they have nothing to show for their effort.

As if to remind the world, once again, of their total impotence, they go crying on the shoulder of someone to help them realize what they cannot realize on their own. The shoulder that has always accommodated them being the Congress of monkeys in Washington, they ran to it once again begging that if the President fails to walk away from the deal “Congress must step in to stop him from binding America.” What a sickly spectacle!