Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Calamity of Romney's Logic and Wishes

The guy that was paid a million dollars to go to Israel and tell the world the Palestinians are an inferior people because America equipped the Jews to keep crushing them the way that they now seek to crush the successful nation of Iran – is back.

His name is Mitt Romney, and he just wrote an article under the title: “The Calamity of Obama's Iran Deal” and the subtitle: “If the ayatollahs have a nuclear weapon, they will use it. Now they're on the path to get on.” It was published on July 22, 2015 in the Wall Street Journal.

Romney begins his presentation by quoting the Jewish Old Testament. Perhaps there is a grain of truth in those words, but they would make more sense if we bear in mind that the way time was measured and described by the ancients is different from the way that we measure and describe it today.

These are the words: “He will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.” Replace the word generation with the word millennium, and you have the story of the Jews whose past wickedness continues to haunt them to this day, and will haunt them for many more millenniums.

Instead of looking squarely at the words he quoted, and correlating them with the reality on the ground as history has been unfolding on Planet Earth, Romney matches those words with “President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran” and says that he is now confident of “two undeniable facts.”

First, he attributes the apocalypse that was first mentioned in the Jewish Old Testament not to the Jews but to the Iranians. Second, he says that “the Obama deal prescribes a pathway for Iran to develop nuclear weapons.” What this man is totally ignorant of is that the Iranians do not need someone's deal to have a pathway to the bomb. If they wish to have the bomb – which they don't – they can have it relying on their own resources.

He goes on to say without offering proof that Iran may cheat “like Russia cheated.” Well, Russia never admitted cheating, and no one provided evidence to this effect. In fact, the only one that was forced to admit cheating – having been detected by the Soviets – was the United States of America.

What happened is the following. While there was an agreement, if not a treaty, never to use outer space to conduct nuclear testing, the Americans did so. Thus, what the reader may do now, is apply to America what Romney accuses Iran of being capable of doing but has not done. It is this: “Its [Iran's or America's] leaders are entirely bereft of restraint, decency and respect for human life.”

As if to show that the Jewish disease of attributing their bad motives to others – can be as enduring as the radio active material whose half-life is measured in the hundreds of thousands of years, Romney projects that “In some ways, the deal may actually speed Iran's nuclear ambitions.”

He goes on to say that “lifting sanctions will provide new oil revenues that can be used to finance nuclear research and development. The revenues will also strengthen Iran's hand as it underwrites terrorism, regime change and sectarian mayhem throughout the Middle East.” This being what the Jews did after urging the Americans to sanction the economy and/or destroy the infrastructure of every Arab and Muslim country that made progress.

It all started in the early 1950s when America pressured the World Bank to deny Egypt a loan to build the Aswan hydroelectric project, and continued with the destruction of Iraq and Libya. Now, the Jews are urging America to do the same to Iran, and Romney is singing their song. Maybe he is running out of money … and singing that song is his way to beg for another million dollar Jewish charity.

He ends the article saying that future generations will suffer because Obama brought peace to America and the world today. Guess what he does next. He wraps this pile of verbal rubbish in the political package of “millions of illegal immigrants [Obama] welcomed; the human tragedy of poverty he refuses to address; the millions of children who grow without a competitive education because he bowed to the teacher's unions.”

With this, he shows he is among those who are bereft of restraint, decency and respect for humanity.