Friday, July 31, 2015

No Limit will ever satisfy these People

There was a time long ago when the ethnic communities in North America began to sense that the Jews were slowly but surely strangling the freedom of expression that the newcomers had expected to see, to practice and to enjoy by virtue of being citizens of this continent. Some people even studied the phenomenon and found a way to explain it to those who couldn't figure out why such things were happening here.

They explained it this way: imagine a beautiful house that everyone in the neighborhood loves. If a Jew has a fall out with its owner and wants to hurt him, he goes to city hall and convinces the zoning officers that what counts is not the overall look of the house but the fact that it has one brick – one single brick – whose color is slightly different from the others. For this reason the house must be condemned and demolished, says the Jew, and the zoning officers say yes sir, amen sir.

Now imagine a dilapidated house that inspector after inspector has labeled a hazard to the neighborhood, and called for its demolition and yet, city hall does not move to have it taken down. You check the reason why, and discover that it is owned by a Jew who has convinced the zoning officers that what counts is not the danger that the house represents but the fact that it has one brick – one single brick – whose color is slightly different from the others; therefore the house must be spared. And the zoning officers say yes sir, amen sir.

Decades have passed since those days, and we find that the Jews have now taken full control of the North American continent using that trick and a bagful of other similar tricks. We also find that some of the predictions made by some of the people at the time have materialized. They said then that the Jews were careful enough to attack only the newcomers who could not defend themselves. But sooner or later, they went on to say, the Jews will feel confident enough to attack everyone else up to and including the American President for doing his job – that of serving the interests of the United States.

This is what's happening now, and if you look at the tricks that the Jews are using, you'll find them to be an updated version of those they used long ago. Two articles illustrate how that works. The first is a column that came under the title: “The Syria Sham and the Iran Deal” and the subtitle: “Syria cheated on its chemical commitments. Iran will cheat on its nuclear ones. Obama provides cover for both.” It was written by Bret Stephens and published on July 28, 2015 in the Wall Street Journal. The second came under the title: “Iran: The Real Deal,” written by Howard J. Klein and published on July 29, 2015 in the Weekly Standard.

In his column, Stephens brushes aside what “has been confirmed by the organization internationally charged with eliminating chemical weapons,” mainly that such weapons have been removed from Syria … at least to the tune of 92.5 % if not better. He then quotes a short passage from an article that was written in the Journal alleging that US intelligence concluded that Syria didn't give up all the chemical weapons “it was supposed to” when, in fact, Syria did.

To see what game the Journal people are playing, it must be understood that every element in the universe is a chemical element or a compound thereof ... from the food preserving substances we consume to the detergents we do not. The same goes for everything that's used in the machinery of war, such as gun powder and the fuels that power the vehicles. A number of chemical compounds constitute banned weapons of mass destruction, among them phosphoric bombs and napalm bombs. Syria never used them nor does it possess them at present. In fact, the only military that used them, and continues to stockpile them are the Israelis. They were condemned for using these weapons in the past, and they refuse to relinquish them now.

As to Howard Klein, he frames his argument in such a way as to sound like he is accusing President Obama of betraying a promise he made to the “public” if not betraying his oath of office. He then speculates that “there can only be two reasons for this failure.” He discards one reason, and maintains the notion that “the negotiations regarding Iran's nukes were a smokescreen for the pursuit of a different agenda.”

He calls it a “hidden agenda” and explains it this way: “to agree on the terms by which Iran would re-enter the family of nations…” which is good for America and for the world. But to make it sound like it is a bad thing to do, Klein goes on to say: “ the price of acceptance of Iran's eventual acquisition of nuclear weapons.” This is the paranoia that makes the Jews always hungry for more. And someone needs to tell them: enough is enough.