Monday, November 30, 2015

I can no longer stay silent on this Issue

Writers must not speak of the issues that involve them personally. This is usually done by others, and usually done after they die. But a straw has broken my camel's back, and I feel duty bound to reveal something that's known to many – Sam Donaldson being one, I am told. It is something that has gotten so extreme, it evolved into a whole new ball game that must be stopped before it gets worse and causes yet another calamity.

The purported scandal that is brewing about analysts at the Pentagon altering reports, and the brouhaha about the Planned Parenthood issue did not happen naturally or by accident; they were engineered by the noise-making unit of the Jewish propaganda machine. To understand how the Jews in charge of these matters decide on what to do next, we need to know something about their mentality.

These people believe that it is their divine right not to be reproached by a non-Jew for anything they do or fail to do. They take offense when criticized even for something they readily acknowledge they did wrong when talking among themselves. But when the thing is revealed by a non-Jew, they feel that an imbalance has been created, and that the balance must now be restored.

They do the restoration by lashing out at someone; and it does not matter who that someone is. What matters is that the target they hit provides them with an opportunity to approximate the damage that was done to their cause by the revelation. And guess what, my friend, America has often been the punching bag that took the hits and never punched back.

That Jewish mentality is always active and always relentless. When I mentioned not long ago that the Jews fabricated the evidence about the existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in Iraq to get America involved in the war that broke its back, the operators of the noise machine contacted their running dogs in America who contacted a second layer of dogs at the Pentagon who contacted a third layer of dogs in the media who lined up the snitches and the reporters that turned a non-event into an inflated story about intelligence reports being altered to serve the political agenda of a White House they hate even more than they hate the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

And when I mentioned at another time that the Israelis harvest the internal organs of the Palestinian kids they shoot to kill when killing serves no other purpose, the Jews of the noise machine organized the acquisition of material which they doctored into something that looks and sounds as if America was doing the same thing to its own babies.

And this was enough for them to invoke the Alan Dershowitz doctrine which says that Israel has the right to do to the Palestinians what anyone has done to someone in the past, or is currently doing to someone anywhere in the world. Based on this, the Jews are now justifying to themselves and to those who would listen to them – the killing of Palestinian kids to harvest their internal organs and sell them for a profit.

This was the straw that broke the camel's back and forced me to make these revelations at this time even though I had learned about the practice decades ago when I was told that Sam Donaldson got so angry at one time, he tried to break the story but was told not to by his bosses who must have been Jews, I have no doubt.

Three Americans were killed and nine more were hurt as a result of the fake story concerning Planned Parenthood that the Jews fabricated to serve their ill-defined purpose. And there is no way to guess how far the fake story concerning the Pentagon intelligence reports, will go if allowed to progress. How many more will die in America and abroad? How much damage will be caused to someone's infrastructure? How many will flee their homes and become refugees? The Jews don't care. I do.

I can no longer stay silent because I do not want to be accomplice in the crimes against humanity that the Jews are committing when they kill people in response to my exercising the right to speak freely … while observing the etiquette of keeping myself out of the picture.

This is no longer working because nothing that is normal works with a Jewish culture that was fashioned to be a freakish disease meant to plague the human race. Come out of it too, America. It s time to tell the Jews enough is enough.