Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Label Israel an apartheid terrorist State

Benjamin Weinthal says he is a fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. In case you didn't know, this is a kind of burlesque joint that nobody thinks is funny enough to be taken seriously, but nobody knew why. So now, Weinthal has decided to unveil the mystery by demonstrating why this is the case.

He wrote: “Label Europe anti-Israel,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “The EU is poised to make a huge mistake and hand the BDS movement a major victory.” It was published on November 10, 2015 in the New York Daily News. The author is discussing the decision of the European Union to label products made in Jewish settlements which are recognized in international law and the laws of civilized nations to be outposts of occupation and crimes against humanity.

Instead of applauding the decision of the EU – being one who fancies himself as a defender of democracies – he complains about the EU's decision, and bases his argument on several points, one made by Michael Oren to the effect that: “There are dozens of border disputes and 'occupations' in the world, but the EU decided to single out Israel.” Now, this guy Oren used to be Israel's ambassador to the US, and his job was to echo the old refrain: You can't compaaaare, you can't equaaaate anything that Israel or the Jews do because they are above everything and everyone … therefore must never be measured against anything.

So here he is now comparing Israel with three other nations, using the following words: “They are not labeling products from China, India or Turkey – only Israel.” This is not very funny, as you can see, which is why the burlesque joint to which Weinthal belongs is not taken seriously by anyone. But this is not all that's wrong with someone taking a word as awesome as 'democracy' and applying it to a snake pit they call Israel, a place that is too hellish to accommodate even the most stoic of demons. And yet, there are people – Christians and Muslims – who are forced to live in this caldron of perpetual pain and suffering.

The question to ask now is this: “What's the difference separating China, India and Turkey from Israel? And the answer is simple. It is that neither of the trio is occupying people it considers unfit to be given full citizenship of the country, yet considers them people possessing land that's so valuable, they cannot be set free. This is what the Jews are doing in Palestine, which is why they cannot accept the one state solution which would recognize the Christians and the Muslims as equal to the Jews; or the two state solution that will set them free from the yoke of Jewish occupation.

Not only that, but the trend over the past 70 years has been that the Jews who are not indigenous to Palestine, are stealing the land one piece at a time, first calling it disputed land then calling it “land everyone knows will someday belong to Israel, so why bother having a peace process and negotiating it away?” And this is how more than 80 percent of Palestine has now been gobbled up by the Jews with no end and no relief in sight.

Another question to ask is this: Where could the Jews be going with this? And the answer is hinted at by a bone chilling passage in the article. It is that Weinthal has revealed that Professor Eugene Kontorovitch told him the EU is labeling products made in occupied Palestine but not those made in Western Sahara despite the fact that the EU does not recognize Morocco's annexation of Western Sahara. Here again, the author is making a false equivalence to hide something – this time a very ominous something.

The truth is that Morocco has always considered Western Sahara to be Moroccan territory as did Algeria. Both nations fought to acquire that territory, and Morocco prevailed. It annexed the land and gave its inhabitants full citizenship at par with every Moroccan.

For the Jews to come now and say that occupying Palestine and considering its population not worthy of being Israeli citizens, yet controlling the territory in the same way that Morocco controls Western Sahara, says that the Jews intend to keep the Palestinian people under their control, and treat them as a species of subhumans a la perhaps “Planet of the Apes” whereby the Palestinians will be hired to make products in West Bank factories, but not be granted citizenship at par with Jews who may be born there, or may come from far away places.

And this is why the civilized people of the European Union said they had enough tolerating this ongoing crime against humanity, and left it to the prostitutes of the American so-called democracy to go on prostituting themselves like dogs hungry for something, not knowing what they hunger for.