Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tweedledum and Tweedledee are at it again

How much luckier can America get? It has received two gifts on the same day; one each from the Tweedledum and Tweedledee of foreign policy.

Their real names are Naftali Bennett who happens to be the minister of education and diaspora affairs in the hellhole that calls itself Israel, and Thomas L. Friedman who happens to be a columnist at the very confused publication which calls itself New York Times.

What sounds ridiculous but not funny about these two characters giving unsolicited gifts to America, is that the act itself brings to mind two images that should chill the spine of every American. These are The Kiss of Death and the Trojan Horse.

Bennett's gift came under the title: “Islamic State Understands One Thing: Force” and the subtitle: “Europe and the U.S. can follow the Israeli playbook to defeat Islamic terror. Here's how we did it.” The article was published on November 18, 2015 in the Wall Street Journal. As to Friedman's gift, it came under the title: “Cabs, Camels or ISIS,” published on the same day in the New York Times.

Both gifts are packaged to look like wise advice – supposedly highly prized Jewish advice – that should help the American governing establishment to reach the correct decision in the matter of the long running calamity that continues to plague the Levant.

But when you take into account the fact that Thomas Friedman is the guy that advised George W. Bush to invade Iraq during the Second Gulf War or he'll not be reelected, in the way that his father was not reelected because he did not invade Iraq during the First Gulf War, you cannot help but develop a derisive smile on your face. Also shake your head with amazed disbelief.

As to Naftali Bennett who is inviting America (and also Europe) to transform themselves and become like Israel, you wonder if he is telling the Washington Establishment to declare New Mexico, Texas and California to be too Latino and too Catholic to remain a part of America, thus dis-annex them, call them occupied territories, erect checkpoints in them every few miles, and conduct air and ground raids on them every so often – killing scores of their people, and calling these acts self-defense. That should make one giant hellhole called America.

Given that America is 60 times the size of the Jewish population of Israel, think of what will happen in America if what happens in Israel on a regular basis – as described by Bennett – starts to happen in America. Here is what he says is happening in Israel: “at the height of the Second Intifada, a conflict that would ultimately claim the lives of more than 1,000 Israelis.”

Now, dear reader, multiply that number by 60, and you get more than 60,000 dead Americans every so often. This is at par with the Vietnam War, but not as many as the Civil War. However, the difference between them is that both the Vietnam War and the Civil War were one-of-a-kind events, whereas the intifadas are regular occurrences that promise never to stop recurring.

Think about it: Judaism started thousands of years before Christianity and before Islam. Today, you wouldn't find twenty million Jews on the Planet, whereas Christianity and Islam boast more than a billion members each. So you ask: What happened to the Jews? The answer is that some converted to other religions; and those that did not were exterminated at the hands of the people they deceived, conned or took advantage of.

And there is a reason why these things keep happening to the Jews. It is that they adhere to a religion that's based on a book of horror they call the Old Testament where violence, blood and misery are celebrated on every page from cover to cover. Like the old saying goes: He who comes with the sword perishes with the sword. That's how they came, and that's how they are slated to perish again and again.

Because their numbers have dwindled, the Jews no longer do the fighting alone. They get the suckers to do it with them. They achieve this feat by giving the suckers gifts that turn out to be Trojan Horses from which advice appears that turn out to be Kisses of Death. This is how the suckers perish along with the Jews.