Monday, November 23, 2015

Jack the Ripper of the academic Free Speech

Suppose they catch a pyromaniac in the act of setting homes on fire, and then discover that he is employed as a firefighter. You would be dumfounded, would you not? Now suppose they install closed circuit television cameras around a college campus that is plagued by violent acts of rape. After a while, a brutal rape occurs, and the cameras show it was committed by the guy that's in charge of “Keeping the campus free of rape.” You would be stupefied, would you not?

Well then, let me tell you about a guy who qualifies to be called Jack the Ripper of the academic free speech, whining about the erosion of that freedom, having been himself the greatest ripper of them all … not only on one college campus, but across campuses all over America. And when this guy tried to take his loathsome habit across the pond to Britain, his own kinfolks – who viewed him as too much of a hypocrite to welcome in their midst – told him to pack his bags and get off the Island in a hurry … and he did.

His name is Alan Dershowitz, a notorious character whose crooked writings often became material that begged to be reviewed and exposed for what it is on this website. This time, he wrote: “Safe spaces for hypocrisy,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “The dangerous sensitivity double-standards at play on America's college campuses.” It was published on November 22, 2015 in the New York Daily News.

Bear in mind that this guy attacked the right to free speech not only on college campuses, but everywhere that free speech happened; especially of the kind that neglected to praise Israel and the Jews, or neglected to damn the call for the people of Palestine to be free of the long-running genocidal Jewish occupation of their country. His effort in this vein went as far as to “diss” a former President of the United States of America who had written a book on that same subject. Later, Dershowitz ran around the nation pounding his chest in triumph, as he revealed that he was the one who dissed the invitation issued to a former President to come and speak at an event organized by his political party.

Besides mounting numerous efforts of that kind in the political arena, Dershowitz went after the book publishers of the nation who dared to publish material that did not conform to his vision of a world that considers the Jews untouchable, and considers everyone else unworthy of praise. But the most spectacular of his offenses came when he went after the college professors who were so unwise as to exercise their right to free speech; doing so before they had acquired the right to be protected by tenure.

The most notorious case, among the many, in that realm was the success he scored in forcing a university to deny tenure to Professor Norman Finklestein, himself a Jew and a child of Holocaust survivors who did not believe that suffering the Holocaust gave them the right to do to others what was done to them. Dershowitz had the university deny Finklestein tenure because he stood up for the right of the Palestinian people.

With this success under his belt, Dershowitz went to Britain, and tried to convince the folks out there to duplicate what he was doing in America. This is when the well educated Jews of Britain (his kinfolks) told him in no uncertain terms to remove himself from their sight … and he did.

Look what this wretched bundle of hypocrisy is trying to do now. He begins his article by stating a fact: “Students protested to demonstrate against the vandalism of a Black Lives Matter display.” Following that, similar protests were staged on campuses across the country, and Dershowitz explains: “One demand has been to transform campuses into 'safe spaces,' where students are protected from physical violence.” This done, he begins to editorialize: “However, the safe spaces seem to matter only when the interests of those who share their political persuasions are affected.”

Pow! A damned lie! What you see here is a typically Jewish sleight of hand that turned a potentially civilized debate into the kind of toxic package that would kill a democracy and open the door for a type of regime that would organize a holocaust. To see this, go back to the previous paragraph and look what it is that the demonstrators were protesting. It is the physical vandalism that was done to a display. Now look what the demonstrators wanted. They wanted a “safe space” where they will be protected from physical violence. This is legitimate isn't it? Now look what Dershowitz says. He says the safe spaces were meant to be shared only by those who held the correct political persuasions. This is such a huge lie, it begs for a holocaust.

Endowed with this kind of demonic mentality, Dershowitz produces more sleights of hand. One being this passage: “Little attention was paid to incidents of anti-Semitism where students supportive of Israel were chased away from a rally.” So you want to know how this happened, and Dershowitz does a nearly incomprehensible verbal somersault to tell how. When repeated comprehensibly, the narrative he gave should have gone like this: No one chased the students away; it is just that the protesters wanted to see the Zionist administrators who raised the tuition fees replaced. Because the students who supported Israel were by nature Zionists, they took that call as a personal affront and went away on their own. Now, Dershowitz calls that anti-Semitism. What kind of holocaust is he begging for?

Here is another passage: “Jewish students have stated they self-censor pro-Israel views … They have been frightened by shouts of 'Long live the Intifada.'” Well, what's wrong with that? America is a free country, is it not? It has a First Amendment that guarantees freedom of speech for everyone, not only for Jews or for liars like himself. Does it not? Yes, this is true.

So how does a Dershowitz use his adroitness to make that passage sound like something bad happened? Simple, he lies again. He is, however, too stupid to know that if he does not want to be caught lying, he must cover his tracks, and that's something he did not do. So look what happened: first, he said he was going by the surveys that were conducted earlier in the year. Second, he tells what came in those surveys: “The Intifada they were referencing involved the stabbing of Jews.” Gotcha! Caught you red-handed. The truth is that the stabbing incidents happened only a week or two ago, not earlier in the year. Dershowitz just uttered another big lie that calls for a severe punishment.

In fact, when you go through the entire article, you find it written with a string of sleights of hand and damned lies. You conclude that Alan Dershowitz is a pathological liar, a hypocrite and a lightweight that couldn't impress even his kinfolks in Britain, the people that kicked him out of there and sent him back to America.

He must have stupefied them; they who live on the Island that was the home of Jack the Ripper. One Jack was enough for them, they did not want an Alan in their midst.