Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Defending a Democracy they don't understand

Clifford D. May says he is president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Would it not be nice if he knew what democracy is?

Oh yes, all sorts of abstract political definitions have been attributed to that concept. But what does it mean in real-life organic terms? That question pops up in the mind when reading May's latest column: “The threat to America's national existence,” which also came under the subtitle: “That's not the only threat the United States should be worrying about.” It was published on January 19, 2016 in The Washington Times.

He says basically this: Forget what I've been saying about a bunch of Muslim kids armed with stolen guns and a few vehicles threatening the existence of America in a military sense. I must now admit they could not do that. But let me assure you that they can threaten America's existence in another way.

And so he sets out to tell the story of rowdy, drunken men who were celebrating New Year’s Eve somewhere in Germany. He says this: “there were hundreds of acts of violence and sexual assault against women … Local politicians at first tried to cover up what happened. Most media adopted a don't-ask-don't-tell attitude. Little by little, however, details have been emerging.”

So you want to know the details, and where they came from. Well, as it happens, there is a little snag here. It is that he cannot tell you what the German politicians or their media gave out because, like he said, they gave out nothing. But he can tell you what the American Wall Street Journal wrote. And he can tell you what the American New York Times wrote.

What they wrote were not individual stories that can be verified, but sweeping generalizations of the kind that the Jewish propaganda machine puts out to bounce off the walls of the echo chamber till they become entrenched in the folkloric quackery which passes as truth these days.

So you discard the whole thing as another Jewish attempt to stir anti-Arab and anti-Muslim hatred because, by their own admission, there are six times as many anti-Jewish acts in America as there are anti-Muslim acts. And because the Jews wish to balance things out, they seize on every occasion to stir up hatred for the other side.

Having cleared the table of the Jewish garbage that was cluttering it, you now wonder what kind of democracy this guy Clifford May believes he is defending. He mentioned acts of harassment committed against women on New Year’s Eve in the open air in full view of hundreds of men, of other women and a police contingent that was composed of men and women. Does that threaten the existence of Germany? Of Europe? Of America?

Does he subscribe to the old view that women are so fragile they need to be protected by men like himself? No wonder there are those in America who do not understand why the “feminists” do not get mad at a womanizer like say, Bill Clinton, but get mad at the men who lock their own daughters in the basement and abuse them. And why they get mad at the men who kidnap young girls off the street to lock-up in the basement and use as sex slaves for decades.

Clifford D. May, and all those like him ought to read the book, and ought to watch the series titled “The Ascent of Man,” authored by the late Jacob Bronowski. He says at the end that the most democratic act committed by nature was to make it so that the human male and the human female copulate face to face. To him this was nature's way to make both genders are equal. And this, my friend, is real-life organic democracy, unlike the fake political democracies that May and all those like him say they are defending.

If that is not enough to drive the point into his thick skull, he may consult the lyrics of Helen Reddy's “I Am Woman” where it says: “I am woman, hear me roar … No one's ever gonna keep me down again … Oh yes I am wise … If I have to, I can do anything, I am strong, I am invincible … you can bend but never break me … And I come back even stronger … till I make my brother understand.”

Do you now understand, all of you Cliffords out there? Just mind your own business and let the universe unfold as it pleases. It does not need you.