Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Finger, the Arm and the learning Curve

The finger and the arm in the title refer to the saying “Give them a finger and they'll want an arm.” It is a version of the slippery slope analogy. It means that you must not be generous or lenient with some people. If you're generous, they'll ask for more, and never stop asking till they suck you dry. If you're lenient, they'll take advantage of you and stir up mayhem that will wear you out.

As to the learning curve in the title, it refers to the aptitude that people have to learn from experience; to the amount of knowledge they can absorb and the speed at which they can absorb it. Thoughts relating to these subjects were prompted by the piece that came under the title: “Unfair Exchange with Tehran,” an editorial that appeared in National Review Online (NRO) on January 19, 2016.

The piece discusses the implementation of the nuclear deal that six nations, including the United States of America, negotiated with Iran on behalf of humanity. The editors express their apprehension about the manner in which the deal began to be implemented, and then say the following near the end of their presentation: “That is a precedent that other hostile regimes are sure to exploit.”

This view implies that America, her friends and her allies are the angelic parties who will be exploited by the demonic hostile regimes who will get on the slippery slope of asking for an arm every time they are given a finger. Well, if you do research in the pantheon of punditry that was published during the past half century, you'll find that similar accusations were made incessantly by Jews, made exclusively by them, and always leveled against the targets they chose to hate for the day.

But when you exit that pantheon, and you get into the history of Jewish accretions in America, you find that the Jews were the ones who asked for – in fact, demanded – more and more of what America was generous enough to give away when it could. But when circumstances changed and America could only afford to give away less than before or nothing at all, you'll find that a parallel pantheon came into being. In it, you'll hear the incessant howling that the Jews let out at America, accusing her of abandoning Israel, and telling her what to do next.

That would be the howling of pundits demanding that America cut its domestic spending to have the resources that are called for to finance the schemes serving Israel and the other Jewish causes. You'll take this as a sign which shows that if you give the Jew a finger, you establish yourself as a convert to the principle that's fed to Jews with their mothers' milk. It is a principle that says: if a Jew sees something and covets it, the thing instantly becomes his property by divine edict. And if you, the convert, own the thing but refuse to release it, you become an apostate, thus deserve to be punished harshly.

A repeated implementation of that principle throughout the decades has established an umbilical cord linking the resources of America to the black hole of Jewish avarice. With time, the cord got larger and larger because the Jews kept sucking on it harder and harder. This development paralyzed America so effectively, the country surrendered to all sorts of Jewish dictates. Among these was the idea that America must demand guarantee of outcome for negotiations it did not yet begin.

That being a Jewish absurdity, no one in the world bought it and America was forced to drop it. Instead of dropping it too, the Jewish pundits and their echo repeaters turned it into a regular criticism they level at the Administration when it fails to extract from others what would benefit Israel. Here is how they express that habit in the current editorial: “The release of four prisoners from Iranian custody … should have been a sine qua non of any negotiations.” Why? Because “the regime in Tehran used them [prisoners] to extort further concessions.”

And the NRO editors elaborate on that: “the failure to demand the release as a starting point for negotiations enabled Iran to extract favorable terms for it, securing not only its frozen assets, but Iranians imprisoned in the United States.” Thus, in the Jewish culture, when you hold on to money that someone left in your custody, and he gets it back through negotiation, it is like he used extortion to extract the money from you. What can be more asinine and more Jewish than that?

But what about the learning curve? Well, the Jews have been at it for thousands of years, and once again are demonstrating they cannot learn a thing. With a learning curve that is as flat as a horizontal line, it takes them an eternity to learn nothing, advancing as they do at the speed of a tree sloth.