Monday, March 13, 2017

A mad Man doubling down on Insanity

There are two reasons why individuals and institutions – ranging from the lower primates to the most advanced human empires – wither away suddenly or do so gradually: They take on more than they can handle and get crushed, or they go into a burn-out phase till they fully exhaust themselves.

The alpha male from the lions to the apes, and the alpha female from the wild dogs to the tigresses reign supreme over the “tribe” as long as they have the strength to deter a possible rival from challenging them. But there comes a time when they make the mistake of confronting a challenger that's ready to take over the tribe, and get so badly beaten up, they die shortly after a fateful confrontation. Otherwise, the king or queen of the tribe feel so weak, they move away thus avoid confrontation and let the rival take over peacefully.

Most of the African and Asian human empires that came and went in the ancient world, did so having exhausted themselves after a long stay. Notable among these were the Egyptian and Chinese empires that simply flattened out and went into a period of stagnation. The phenomenon of an empire taking on more than it can handle and getting beaten up, started with ancient Greece. It was followed by Rome, and later by every European wannabe empire, from the Fascists to the Nazis to the colonial powers that eventually lost their colonies. This was also the time when Japan, the first Asian power to try emulating the West, suffered the same fate.

So far, during the lifetime of most of us who are alive today, we saw that twin scenario play itself out. We saw a Soviet Union quietly surrender the title of superpower, and we saw a United States of America get smashed mercilessly by insignificant Third World nations of the Vietnam and Afghanistan caliber. But what promises to be the spectacle that will dwarf anything we've seen so far, seems to be percolating at this time.

To see how this can happen, we look at the latest John Bolton piece appearing in the Pittsburgh Tribune. It came under the title: “Bolton's foreign policy priorities,” published on March 11, 2017. He discusses what he considers to be the most serious challengers menacing the United States today. He makes one and the same assessment about all of them, and gives one and the same advice regarding all of them: Prepare to confront them militarily.

What should strike the reader as the work of a mind that's not well adjusted is that Bolton starts by complaining about an American military that has been “hollowed out.” He goes from there to suggest that all of America's troubles begin from the standpoint of a weakened military. This connotes the view that a military solution is the preferable course of action to all of America's troubles. At this time, America's challengers according to John Bolton, are these: ISIS, Iran, North Korea, Russia and China.

To put the ISIS problem in the same category as all the others, is to show a severely deficient intellect. More specifically, to mention the ISIS problem together with the China problem is to show mental illness. Worse, to suggest that America should “jettison the ambiguous one China policy” is to show criminal insanity of the first order. The game that the colonial powers have played throughout their history was “divide and conquer.” It is also the game that Israel is playing in Palestine, preparing to annex it. And it is the game that Russia is gearing to rectify, having made the “mistake” of partitioning itself away from the Republics of the old Soviet Union.

When Bolton ignores these realities, suggesting that America should seek to split China, he tells the world he wishes to see America get – not a slap on the wrist but – a blow on the head with a sledgehammer. It is not that Bolton doesn't know the extent of the internal problems America is facing with states that wish to secede from the Union; with ethnic groups that wish to separate and create their own nations, and a rising southern neighbor that hasn't forgotten how America stole chunks of it in the past. He knows all that.

So then, does he not realize that at this moment – like the ape that lost his strength – America was put on notice by the likes of Iran, North Korea, Russia and China, telling it to get out of their neighborhoods or else? In fact, they are doing to America what America has been doing to them for decades. And if America is going to take on China in a matter as sensitive as threatening its unity, China will respond in kind, only ten times more effectively.

Just think about it. China devoting a huge sum of the trillions of dollars it has amassed, and using them to foment discontent and breakaway movements in America. Is Bolton looking forward to this kind of confrontation? Or has he gone irretrievably mad and needs to be locked up?