Friday, March 24, 2017

The Spit that goes too far sometimes

I've known something for a long time, and wanted to talk about it but didn't have a good reason to do so till now. It's not going to be easy telling it, however, given that it is a multi-layered winding story inside of which you can get lost the way that you would in a three-dimensional labyrinth.

Let me begin by saying a word about the Judeo-Yiddish characteristic that's playing a role in this story. You may have heard of mischievous kids who work in a restaurant and get a kick spitting in the food of a client they consider a “stuffed shirt,” before bringing the plate to him. Well, Jews have a same sort of attitude written into their DNA. I've seen them in their sixties speak with nostalgia and fondness about pranks they pulled on others who never suspected something was being done to them behind their backs.

Living in the English speaking district of Montreal, I mingled with the Jews who were the majority there. I worked with them, socialized with them, and had them as friends or rivals. Some knew who I was, others did not; some thought I was a Jew, others knew better … and so on and so forth. What I'll never forget is that they tried on several occasions to pull a spitting kind of prank on me.

This is how it worked: A prominent American (Brzezinski or Senator Leahy, for example) would say something or do something that the Jews don't like. One of them – supposedly an acquaintance or a friend of mine – would ask if I heard of the incident. I say no, and he tells me about it. What he says, however, is a distorted version of the real thing. The intent is to get me to react – writing in Arabic as I did then – in such a way as to hurt my credibility or hurt the person in America or hurt us both. The Jews equate this sort of activity with spitting in someone's plate behind their back. They get so excited playing the game; they go into orgasm believing they fooled their victim.

When I moved to Ontario where I launched a small English newspaper, I did not meet too many Jews. But I knew they were playing the same sort of game with my advertizing clients because I constantly had to battle the misinformation, disinformation and outright lies they put out about me. Not only did they do it to me in Montreal and Ontario, they did it (and still do) to the English publications which are issued in the Arab World. And believe it or not, they even managed to infest and infect a number of publications issued in Arabic.

This brings me to a Steven A. Cook article that came under the title: “Fake news has a long history in the Middle East – and the lessons for Americans are unmistakably dire,” and the subtitle: “Information has long been falsified and weaponized in Turkey and the Arab world – and we're headed that way fast.” It was published on the website of Salon Magazine on March 19, 2017.

Steven Cook's beef is that a little known television host in Egypt used an old piece of his, and distorted – not its content – but its intent. In other words, Cook did not like the opinion that the man formulated as to why the piece was written in the first place. But that's nothing serious really, given that the piece dealt with the Egyptian economy, and like they say, half a dozen economists will give a dozen interpretations, each meant to confirm the economists' biases. Now try to envisage what could have been the intent of a non-economist.

Still, an indignant Cook calls that incident fake news. He infers from it that it is the habit of all the Arabs and all the Turks in the Middle East to spread fake news. Not surprisingly, he omits Israel which, to tell the truth, is the wellspring of all fake news, not just in the Middle East, but around the world … with a tributary in America known as the mob of Jewish pundits.

These are the people who used an essay written by a student to convince Western intelligence services that Saddam Hussein had WMD. They are the people who constantly put out false information to inform the likes of ISIS where to conduct operations not knowing that the move will serve the interests of Israel. And they are the people who put out fake news to force Israel's own government to adopt policies that serve the interests of Jewish moguls outside of Israel.

To get back to the incident involving the little known broadcaster in Egypt; from where do you think the man could have gotten the Steven Cook piece? You guessed it, no one could or would have volunteered to supply him but one of those motivated by the desire to spit in his plate, and have their orgasm for the day.

Now, my friend, take a deep breath and look how Steven Cook ends his piece: “The problem is that consumers of [fake] information are unaware they are being manipulated, believing that they are getting the truth. Media in the United States is freer and better than most other places in the world”.

Tell that to the millions of lives that perished or were shattered because the Jews that Cook failed to mention pulled the spitting prank that led George W. Bush to invade Iraq and start the chain reaction reverberating to this day in the Levant. Do that, my friend, and you'll know where on the spectrum of fake news and quackery you should place Steven A. Cook.