Tuesday, March 7, 2017

A possible Case of religious Conversion

Michael Rubin wrote an article to say that the Israelis are the good guys who do not want war, and that the Iranians are the bad guys who want one.

By the time he gets to the end of the article, he concludes that in dealing with that country, “the best option is containing Iran's program.” Well, that's how it all appears on the surface, but are we being deceived deliberately or inadvertently?

The thing that will jump at you as you read the article, is that nowhere in it – or between the lines – is there mention of Israel defending itself, yet the editors of the Pittsburgh Tribune who published the article chose to headline it with this title: “Israel must be able to defend itself.” This happens to be the robotic mantra that's often spewed by the mob of Jewish pundits and their echo-repeaters as they plead on behalf of Israel, and they slander their enemy of the day. Are we seeing a conversion of some kind that is yet to reveal itself?

Other than that, the pundits and their echo-repeaters do what they do to impress the congressional mob of brainless followers. It's a case of the mob leading the mob to suckle the hapless country that is America for the benefit of Israel. They suckle the country of its blood like a parasite that was raised on steroid and cannot give up the addiction. In case you're still interested, my friend, the Michael Rubin article appeared on March 4, 2017 in the Pittsburgh Tribune.

As if there were not enough oddities in this event, look what else Rubin is throwing at the readers:

“The missile test Iran conducted was the first during the presidency of Donald Trump … Israeli leaders have good reason to not trust the dovish sounding Zarif … They rely more on the words of President Akbar Rafsanjani … Israeli leaders remember the latter as saying in 2001 that Iran could annihilate Israel with a single bomb … The secretary general of Hezbollah said in 2005: 'We are able to produce atomic bombs. The United States is not more than a barking dog' … But all of that is hogwash anyway because: 'It's worth remembering that diplomats don't control the country's nuclear program; Iran's Revolutionary Guard does'”.

So you wonder, what's the purpose of this article? Why did the author first mention the President of the United States as if to tell him: Look here, I have a story to tell you? But after making a feeble attempt to use hearsay upon which to build a case that has no substance, he made the point that the whole thing was meaningless anyway because he's been talking about the wrong actors.

Could it be that Michael Rubin is using the Jewish trick of talking about someone by pretending to talk about someone else? Is he another one of those who discovered religion while on his way to Damascus? Is Michael Rubin a recent convert to the non-Jewish realities that make the real world tick? Is he drawing the attention of the American president to the reality that the danger to world peace was never Iran but Israel, only Israel and no one but Israel?

After all, it was Israel that went out of its way – using the body language of ambiguity, and putting to work the mouthpieces it has cultivated around the world – to con the human race and make it believe it has no less than 200 nuclear weapons in its arsenal. It also made the false claim that it had the submarines to carry and launch those weapons on its enemies anywhere they might be, and everywhere they might go around the globe to hide from their fate.

This is why the leaders of a world that is still sane have good reason not to take the Jews at their word. Why no one believes that despite the claim, Israel cannot annihilate a country – any country – with a single nuclear bomb or 200 fictitious ones. It is why the juvenile behavior of the Jews, and the moronic nurture of that behavior by the American congress of unthinking moral prostitutes, constitute the real danger that's threatening the continued existence of the human race on this planet.

Given the belated unveiling of these realities, will the president of the United States of America now take it seriously that the image of his country was reduced everywhere in the world to that of a barking dog that's running around the globe pimping for Israel as his surrogate at the UN tries to tell the world it is obligated to love the thing they call Israel no matter how that thing behaves and no matter what it does?