Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Satloff Attempt to rape America again

The way to rape a country is to rape its president in the head, the heart and the soul. This is what Robert Satloff of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy is trying to do to America and to its President, Donald Trump.

Satloff wrote an article under a title that is of two parts. The first part goes like this: “Burning questions for Trump on the Middle East” and the second part goes like this: “We still don't know where his gut instincts are.” It was published on March 7, 2017 in the New York Daily News.

He admits that over the past two decades “Americans already lost '$6 trillion' with little to show for it.” Well, two decades mark the time just before the Cheney, Rove and W. administration had taken over the helm of the American ship of state, and brought into the Situation Room, not Wolf Blitzer, but the Holocaust psychos who designed and executed the policy that ruined America.

They ruined America and, in the process, destroyed several local societies in furtherance of a Jewish dream that has been festering for centuries. But their oldest dream being the destruction of Egypt, never materialized. They thought it came close to that but discovered that nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, being Jews, they could not have missed the glowing reports that appeared in the Bloomberg publications about an Egypt that breezed through a difficult period without once registering a negative growth.

It did so at a time when the rest of the world was near economic collapse. And now that the storm has passed, those same publications are predicting that in a few years time, Egypt's GDP will have surpassed most of the European countries. In the face of this reality, the very first thing that a Jew asks himself is where he can find someone whose head, heart and soul he can rape. And these beasts always find someone in America who will submit to their urges, and then run around trying to recruit others to do likewise and enjoy the rape.

Robert Satloff believes he can do it to America again by doing it to Donald Trump. And so he tells him that Egypt is about to collapse economically, and needs American help. The hidden Jewish plan is to use America to get Israel close to the Egyptian economy and share in its success. But that's not what the Jews will be telling the world. You'll get a sense of what they'll be saying when you read the articles they are publishing at this time.

Speaking, not yet of Egypt but of America, they make it sound like America could not exist economically if it weren't for Israel's contributions. One article was so audacious, in fact, it said clearly and plainly that America can become great again only if Israel helps.

Other than that, the Jews (Satloff among them) are spending time on developing the fantasy that an alliance is forming between the Sunni world and Israel. Their aim is to reassure the rank-and-file that Israel will have an alternative to the countries that are distancing themselves from Israel in response to the BDS movement. The immediate goal is to prevent the Zionist foot soldiers from realizing they are on the losing team, and decide to defect as a result.

Having started with the assertion that “Middle East chatter is filled with talk about how the budding romance between Israel and Sunni Arab states will transform the region,” Satloff decided to buy an insurance policy in case the whole thing blows in his face, and the deception will be there for all to see. And so, he wrote the following near the end of his article:

“If Arab and Israeli strategists are meeting behind closed doors to map out plans for their collective defense – and I fear there is less of this than is commonly believed – these are the questions that should focus their attention”.

But if he is not certain about that part of his argument, he is certain about this part: “No single factor will have as much impact on the security of the region in the coming years as the willingness of President Trump to provide leadership to the region's camp of pro-West, pro-stability countries”.

And that's how the Jews manage to get the Americans to blow trillions of borrowed dollars to respond to Jewish urges and satisfy the beasts among them.