Sunday, March 5, 2017

Jewish Quantum Physicist failing Math

There is a principle in quantum physics called tunneling. It was dreamed-up by scientists to explain something for which they have no better explanation. They observed particles that did not have enough energy to jump over a barrier, still manage to get to the other side of it. Unable to explain how this happens, the scientists theorized that the particles were tunneling through the barrier.

So guess what, my friend. There is a Jew – most likely of dual citizenship – who goes by the name Michael L. Wise. He says he is a quantum physicist, which he may well be given that he is attempting to do something as strange as a particle tunneling through the energy barrier. He wrote an article about his funky attempt under the title: “Fake Demography,” and had it published on March 3, 2017 on the website of Algemeiner.

His piece is just another attempt by one more Jew to reassure the Jewish American rank-and-file that burying the idea of a two-state solution is a reasonable thing to do at this time because Israel will remain a Jewish majority population even under the alternative one-state solution. Each of those who advanced the argument before him, cited statistics that nobody bothered to check because, even if they were correct, represented nothing more than the snapshot of a situation which may have existed only at a moment in time. What the statistics could not do was predict how things will change as time passes.

What is new in the Wise article is that he relies on his credentials – being a scientist or claiming to be one – to make predictions which are so bold, they remind the old-time observers (such as yours truly) of a time when the Jews had managed to shut everybody up, and had monopolized the debating floor. Unopposed, they spewed all the rubbish they could regurgitate without the fear of being challenged by a contrary opinion.

That's how the Jewish leaders were able to convince the rank-and-file, as well as the political elites in America and a good part of the public at large, that the Land of Milk and Honey contained neither milk nor honey, and that the Fertile Crescent was neither fertile nor a crescent, but was a desert waiting for Jewish jewelers, tailors and musicians from Eastern Europe to come and make it bloom with lush green vegetation.

This ruse turned every political animal in America into a hungry specimen eager to hop on a plane and go to Israel where he or she was photographed “planting” a tree to help make the desert bloom even greener, and help the political “something” win the Jewish vote back home in America. The reality, however, was that the show was nothing more than an exercise in planting the seeds of deception. Eventually, the show grew to become the horror spectacle we are witnessing today in occupied Palestine and the entire Levant.

The next step in the Jewish master plan being to gobble up what's left of Palestine, Wise and those like him are trying to convince anyone interested in the subject, that Israel can annex the West Bank and survive whatever counter-reaction the move will produce. Israel can withstand the blowback, they believe, as long as its supporters will continue to stand by it. They will have to make sure that money, weapons and diplomatic support will continue to flow in the America-to-Israel direction.

To prove the soundness of the one-state solution, Wise makes the claim that Jewish women in Israel are more fertile than their Palestinian counterparts, producing on average “more than” 3.15 children per woman, as opposed to the Palestinian average of “less than” 3 children per woman. As a result of these realities, he says, Palestinian births in Israel come to 39,500 per year as compared to 139,500 Jewish children. And then, he makes the mistake of revealing the size of the two populations.

Skipping the useless discussion he articulates with regard to the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza, we concentrate on what he says about Israel proper. He says that the Arab population there comes to 1.7 million, whereas the Jewish population comes to 6.8 million.

Well, simple math will tell him that on a yearly basis, there is one Palestinian newborn per 43 Palestinians, and there is one Jewish newborn per 49 Jews. This means that in the battle of the bedroom, the Palestinians are outracing their Jewish counterparts. And this leads to the conclusion that the Palestinian population will overtake the Jews even if you do not take into account the West Bank or Gaza.

What this shows is that Michael Wise, the Jewish quantum physicist, badly needs a course in remedial math.