Tuesday, March 28, 2017

WSJ decomposing Logic of Mud and Horror

The editors of the Wall Street Journal are at it again relying on the Judeo-Yiddish logic of mud and horror to haggle their way into calling on America to contribute to the starvation of the Palestinian people in a place called the West Bank, which Israel – armed with American weapons of all sorts – has turned into a concentration camp.

Whereas America has its fallen heroes and a day of the year in which to honor them. Whereas it has a Veterans Affairs Administration to look after the welfare of those that survived a conflict today or yesterday, the editors of the Wall Street Journal pretend to be indignant that someone else is doing the same thing with their fallen heroes and their surviving veterans.

Whereas Israel is pursuing a similar policy with the soldiers that fought with the Jewish terrorist organizations of yesteryear or those who fought in modern wars, the editors of the Wall Street Journal do not call for cutting off American aid to Israel till it stops paying these people or their families. The editors do not even suggest that the 3.8 billion dollars in yearly military aid which America sends to Israel be reduced by the amount that Israel channels to the soldiers who commit crimes, or to their families.

And yet, this is what the editors of the Journal are demanding be done with regard to the payments that go to the Palestinian Authority (PA). This is money earmarked to alleviate some of the horror that the people under occupation are suffering due to America's support for Israel; the only terrorist syndicate on the planet today, deliberately misnamed a state to hide its crimes.

The editors are not demanding that the payments to the PA be reduced by the amount that goes to the families of the fallen heroes; they are calling for the duplication of the Judeo-Israeli crime against humanity of administering collective punishment against the entire Palestinian population by cutting off the full amount sent to the PA, thus help starve all Palestinians.

Thus, what the editors want to see is money going to an Israeli army of occupation that will be looking over a population being starved to death because some of its youngsters are doing the natural thing of fighting for their freedom and the freedom of their families.

The message to these people is loud and clear: leave the land in which you have lived since the beginning of time or die on it. One way or the other, the Jews will take what has been yours for thousands of years. America is paying for all that, and America will now help starve you to death.

You can see how the Stone Age logic of biblical times has infested the brains of the WSJ editors, has decomposed them and has mutilated them beyond recognition – when you go over the piece which came under the title: “Pay for Slay in Palestine” and the subtitle: “U.S. aid becomes a transfer payment for terrorists,” written by those editors and published on March 28, 2017 in the Journal.

You'll see that the editors have used the world “moral” twice. They used it once at the start of the piece: “this is a chance to bring policy into line with moral and strategic realities.” And they used it again near the end: “moral rectitude often entails facing dangers”.

The morality they talk about is what you see in the Jewish Old Testament. It is the one that says torture and kill the children of your enemies to make their parents suffer the most. It is the morality that the Jews used to rob Egypt of its treasures, kill its babies and run into the desert. It is the morality that became the foundation upon which they built a religion.

This is the morality they have been celebrating religiously each year for thousands of years on Passover. And they are making it clear they have no intention to relinquish it or modify it to suit the modern era.

On the contrary, they are so enamored with it; they try to drag America into it. The sad part is that there exist enough mentally retarded politicians in America to go along with their scheme.