Friday, January 4, 2019

An overused and tired Euphemism that still holds

What would you say of a couple of authors who write that 'America First' makes the world worse, and then explain the philosophy behind their reasoning by arguing that whatever America does, it must do while being motivated by the desire to serve its own self-interest? You say they are Jews; it is as simple as that.

The fact is that there is no sound philosophy behind what they are advocating. What's there is a deliberate confusion in the use of the name “America.” In fact, it has become the norm that when speaking of foreign policy, 'America' is now used as euphemism to mean Israel. Used as a slogan, 'America First' means what it says. But when America is used as if to refer to American interests, the expression actually means Israeli interests.

They can deny it all they want, but this is what comes out the lengthy article that Anthony J. Blinken and Robert Kagan wrote under the title: “'America First' is only making the world worse,” and the subtitle: “Here's a better approach.” It was published on January 1, 2019 in The Washington Post.

To identify the intent behind the article, make a list of what's good for Israel. Recall world history since the end of World War II. Read the Blinken/Kagan article and highlight what they say is good for America. Now determine how they interpret history since World War II. You'll find that they turned history on its head, resulting in their list of what's good for America matching your list of what's good for Israel. You conclude that the Jews distorted history to make America not see that what they advocate for America, is really in the best interest of Israel. This being the reality of the America/Israel relationship for several decades, it means that the Jews have produced new bottles and filled them with the same old Jewish KOOL AID.

You must also be aware of the reality that Blinken and Kagan are seasoned operators. They play the game with such discreetness, you must, at times, read between the lines to get the full sense of what they are saying. In fact, the preamble with which they start the discussion, contains much of what diverts the attention of the reader from the numerous distortions that follow. Here is that preamble:

“Foreign policy was not on voters’ minds lately, but Trump’s 'America First' is popular. Withdrawing troops from Syria and Afghanistan was condemned in Washington. But Americans beyond the Beltway are not outraged. Tolerance for the US global role after World War II faded with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and was shattered by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the next president will face a world like the 1930s — with Europe mired in division and self-doubt; and democracy under siege. America First will exacerbate these problems. But so would pulling back without considering the consequences, as we did in the 1930s. After World War II, Americans built alliances with fellow democracies, and we produced unprecedented prosperity and security from which Americans benefited more than anyone. So here is the challenge: Can we find a foreign policy that understands the difference between self-interest and selfishness?”

To break it gently to the readers, Blinken and Kagan began the discussion by admitting that the fuss about withdrawing American troops from Syria is contained in the Jewish dominated Washington Beltway ... in opposition to the American public. This done, they dished out the intellectually dishonest argument about the bad guys — not allied with America — taking the world to a path similar to the 1930s events that led to World War II. That's when Hitler invaded his neighbors and annexed their lands. But Blinken and Kagan know that today, it is the American-saturated Israel that's invading its neighbors and annexing their lands. The new Hitlers are not in Damascus, Tehran, Moscow or Beijing; they are in the Washington Beltway and in New York.

To complete their shameless performance, Blinken and Kagan suggested what America must do. Here is a condensed version of what they said:

“To prevent crises or contain them requires active diplomacy and military deterrence. As competition intensifies, we supplement diplomacy with deterrence. In Syria, peace cannot be negotiated or imposed. We need to stay ahead of the competition in new technologies, especially artificial intelligence. To maintain our edge, we must preserve the free flow of ideas. Enlightened self-interest produced a community of democracies to help meet global challenges. The US needs to lead in addressing the causes of migration. This means build democratic institutions. The world does not govern itself. If the US abdicates its role, other powers will step in. The world will descend into chaos, and the jungle will overtake us, as it did in the 1930s”.

This is the same old witches' brew. The Jews are telling America to consider everyone in the world that's not “democratically” allied with America or Israel, to be evil and gripped with the intent to harm America.

For this reason — goes the reasoning — America must arm itself, project power throughout the world and keep inventing ever-more lethal weapons of the kind that Israel loves to acquire … which it does free of charge.