Sunday, January 13, 2019

Why is Jonathan S. Tobin getting hysterical?

To answer the question in the title of this article, we need to understand a great deal about the ideology of a group of people who pretend to be of the Jewish religion and the Hebraic ethnicity simultaneously … but in reality, are a gang of opportunists scheming to freeload on the suckers of the world.

Thousands of years ago there was a Hebrew nomadic tribe that lived in the harsh environment of the Middle Eastern deserts. In their travels, members of the tribe came into contact with the great empires that had sprung on the banks of rivers running at the periphery of those deserts. Tired of their way of life, and envious of the others, the Hebrew nomads developed the idea that it would be nice to settle down in an empire of their own.

Because there was no place left that wasn't settled already, the nomads knew they'll have to attack a defenseless settlement and take it over. They did it to a place known as the land of milk and honey. To justify committing a crime as horrendous as that, the Hebrews came up with a story according to which God showed them the way to the land of Palestine, led them into battle and to victory over the locals. Apparently, He helped the Hebrews because He considered them his favorite children. And so, they worshiped that God, and observed the rituals of a religion they named Jewish. And so, they called themselves Jews.

The trouble is that the generation of Jews which invented that lie died eventually, but did not take the lie with it. Instead, the lie was passed on from generation to generation, while mutating along the way to become more grotesque with the passage of time. And while this was happening, the original Hebrews intermarried with all kinds of ethnic groups in the Middle East and beyond. In so doing, they erased their Hebrew identity but retained the name Jewish. Centuries later, the mutated lie became the foundation upon which the non-Hebraic Jews built a supremacist philosophy of life that dazzled people at first, but then caused them to revolt.

That sort of scenario played itself every time that the Jews went into a new community across the globe after being chased out of the last one. The technique they employed to dazzle a new community, rested on identifying a handful of moral prostitutes from the local population, and paying them to spread rumors that the Jews were endowed with extraordinary powers they'll use to reward you if you're good to them, or punish you if you're not. As a result, the people of the community bowed to the Jews at first, but then realized they had been conned, and went after the Jews with a vengeance.

This is the inflection point at which the Jews find themselves in the USA at this time. Ordinary Americans have ceased to believe that the Jews merit being treated as if they were above the law. Whereas they used to see the rulings that went against the Jews reversed, they now see the rulings that favor the Jews being reversed. And this is why charlatans of the Jonathan Tobin caliber are becoming hysterical. No longer will they be able to walk into a gathering and hear everybody murmur: The Jew is here! The Jew is here! Let's leave everything to him (or her) because these people can snap fingers and accomplish instantly what we cannot in a year.

These days are gone, and people like Tobin worry that when they will sink further down to the level of ordinary people, those they used to hurt will come after them and exact the kind of revenge they cannot begin to imagine. The Jewish leaders are getting hysterical, and you'll sense this state of mind when reading the article that Tobin wrote under the title: “Opposing Honors for Angela Davis Isn't Racist,” published on January 11, 2019 in National Review Online. Here is the salient part of Angela Davis's story as Tobin tells it:

“When the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute announced it was giving its annual human-rights award to Angela Davis, the honor attracted little attention. It was her advocacy for the BDS movement that led to the Institute's rescinding the award. Credit goes to the Jewish magazine that published an article highlighting Davis's support for BDS. The Jewish community protested and pressured the Institute to back away from honoring Angela Davis. It did. That in turn led to a counter-protest by the Davis supporters who argued that support for the Palestinian cause was linked to civil rights in the US. Some Institute board members resigned over the treatment of Davis. The Birmingham city council unanimously passed a resolution honoring her career”.

This is the kind of reversal that hits the Jewish spine like a bolt of lightning. The self-appointed Jewish leaders go nuts, having forgotten the old Jewish saying: When God intends to destroy someone, He first renders them mad.