Thursday, January 31, 2019

Confused about what's Virus and what's Antidote

The metaphor that's known to most people is that of the inmates taking over the asylum. They think they are sane whereas the doctors, the nurses and the rest of the asylum staff are crazy.

An offshoot of this metaphor would be the one advocated by Clifford D. May who believes that humanity is a virus attacking the Jews who are the real human beings. He tells about this theory in the column he wrote under the title: “Ireland's surprise attack,” published on January 29, 2018 in The Washington Times. Here is the big announcement, which he situated in the first paragraph of the article: “Anti-Semitism is a virus that can be treated but not cured. It morphs”.

This suggests that anti-Semitism is a permanent state of the human condition. It follows that either human beings carry the disease or they are responding to a disease that's chronically infecting the human body. Could it be that they are responding in the way that a natural antidote responds to an ailment? Whatever the answer, this leads to another question that is just as pertinent. It is this: In accusing humanity of being a virus, has Clifford May not confirmed that Judaism is the virus? Which means that Jews, and not ordinary human beings, are the carriers of the deadly virus.

To find out, we look for an answer in Clifford May's description of the situation. He says that when the Jews were in Europe in the 20th century, the Europeans “cleansed” their continent of Jews. And now that Jews have moved from there to the Middle East, the Middle Easterners are attempting to “cleanse” their part of the world, or at least neutralize the effectiveness of the Jews. Well then, what does that say to you, my friend? Does it not say that the human body is made of organs? When infected, the European organ responded the way that the local condition required. Now that the Middle Eastern organ has been infected, it is trying to find the antidote that will cure it of the Jewish infection. It is clear this is the point that Clifford May is making whether or not he intended it.

And the more you get into May's article, the more you discover how the Judaism of Jews, and not the humanity of ordinary Humans, is infecting our species. Look at this: “The leader of Iran says that Israel must be burned to the ground and made to disappear from the face of the Earth,” says Clifford May. What is the significance of this? It is that Iran is not an immediate neighbor of Israel. The fact that it was forced to respond, says that the Jewish virus has metastasized beyond Israel's immediate neighborhood, and starting to threaten more distant organs.

What else might be there that points to the soundness of the metaphor which suggests that Clifford May is correct in saying there exists a struggle between a virus and its antidote, but that he is mistaken as to whom the virus represents and whom the antidote represents. Well, Clifford May himself offers two clues. First, he says that Hezbollah and Hamas are eager to set Israel on fire; and they happen to be friends of Jeremy Corbyn, leader of Britain's Labour Party. Second, Clifford May says that the lower house of the Irish parliament passed legislation offering to wage economic warfare against Israel. What do these situations indicate?

They indicate that Britain and Ireland, which are in Europe, are on the move again. This means that the European site from where the Jews departed to invade other organs, heard the distressing call of those other organs, and has responded. Thus, the May lament that Europe, which practically cleansed itself of the Jewish virus, has started to help producing the antidote that will neutralize or wipe out the disease in the Middle East and beyond it. There can only be one reason why the Europeans would want to do that: they know that when one part of the body is sick, the entire body is sick.

So then, how do the Jews of Israel and America respond to all of that? They are responding the only way that a virus knows how: They are increasing the coercive pressure on Ireland. Because they don't have the means to coerce Ireland all by themselves, the Jews count on the United States of America to come to the rescue. Here is what Clifford May has to say about that:

“There is a chance that the Irish legislation will fail to become law. Ireland has attracted some of America's largest companies. Obeying the Irish law could mean violating existing US federal law. The US accounted for two-thirds of foreign investment in Ireland. So, in the end, this could have more impact on Ireland's economy. The executive of the Irish government may find a way to shelve the legislation based on what it will cost Ireland”.

When the Irish people realize that they are not free to run their sovereign country in accordance with the norms of sovereignty, and they respond by making their feelings known about the Jewish infection of their body, Jews of the Clifford May variety will cry out: See? Didn't we tell you they are viruses?