Thursday, January 24, 2019

What they say now to keep sucking American Blood

It is amazing how creative Jews can get when searching for excuses to incite America to arm itself, attack someone or stay put where it sheds the blood of its children, and bleeds the public's wealth in the most irresponsible way you can imagine.

Over the decades, Clifford D. May created enough of those excuses to fill a filing cabinet, and he is at it again. His latest creation is contained in a column he wrote under the title: “The age of neo-imperialism,” published on January 22, 2019 in The Washington Times.

No longer able to rouse the public—that's tired of wars—with scary talk about an enemy that's preparing to attack America and rob its people of freedom, Clifford May chose to go for the works this time. He thought it wise to describe the danger posed, not by one, but five enemies. Three of those are hard powers, he says, and two lesser ones. Clifford May speaks of the ambitions that motivate the capable trio of China, Russia and Iran, as well as the lesser ambitions of al-Qaeda and the Islamic State.

Unlike the last two which are novices trying to replace the now defunct Ottoman Empire, Clifford May wants the readers to know that the capable trio of China, Russia and Iran were once empires in their own right. He goes on to say that they are currently ruled by men who wish to revive the glorious past in one form or another, but see America standing in the way. And this is why they will work alone or together when necessary, to diminish America's influence, and push it out of the regions where they plan to become the dominant powers.

Clifford May describes what each of the men is doing to get there, and then adds this: “None of this should surprise us. Empires have been rising, competing, conquering, exploiting, clashing and falling throughout history. But that history was supposed to end after World War II when Europe's colonies achieved independence.” This is correct, and should have led Clifford May to the realities that came next … but he did otherwise.

Unfortunately, he delved, not into what came next, but something that never was. He delved into a confused set of observations, which he mixed with fantasies about what should have happened but did not, because of what he says were the failures many. The examples he cited were the United Nations, the European Union and of course, the forever guilty of one thing or another, Barack Obama. And as certain as night follows day when dealing with Jewish matters, Clifford May omitted mentioning the real culprits, which are Israel, the Jewish lobby and the Congress of moral prostitutes that's in charge of all Judeo-Israeli affairs in America, and in charge of nothing else.

The writer then spoke of the United States and its allies attempting to build a new world order, instead of speaking of the nations that won the Second World War—all of which may not have been true allies—joining the multitude of nations that did not participate in the war, and coming together to build a new world order. Together, these nations succeeded at building what he described as “a new world order of independent states that would coexist peacefully and abide by international laws. The United Nations [has been] central to this effort”.

In fact, the United Nations (UN) being the institution where international laws are made, to abide by them meant to respect the UN. But having created Israel to save the Jews from themselves, expecting the survivors to settle down and live like everyone else, the UN was disheartened to see the Jews use Israel as a base from where they deceived the big powers into joining them at setting the clock back.

Instead of building a new world order in which the states would coexist peacefully and abide by international laws, the Jews wanted to go back to the colonial era. France and Britain, that were the two major colonial powers at the time, went along for a while but quickly pulled back. The Jews then dragged the United States into their demonic scheme where they are keeping it to this day.

Giving up on the European Union, which he says is helping the big three mitigate the economic and political pain America is imposing on them, Clifford May is advising America to go it alone because it can still accomplish all the wonderful things that “nation-building at home” can never accomplish.

In fact, Clifford May is dangling two possible choices in America's face, from which it can take only one. The best choice, in his view, is to squander the lives of America's young and the public wealth by antagonizing the world, and making more enemies propping up and protecting Israel.

The other choice, in his view, is to rebuild America only to see it destroyed in a 9/11 style attack, not just on a couple of buildings in New York City, but all over America from sea to shining sea.

No, Israel could not be so desperate as to require Clifford May to come up with a fantasy of this dimension. It must be that he’s been inhaling the wrong kind of fumes.