Sunday, January 6, 2019

They want the whole World, not just the Mideast

If you thought that the Tel-Aviv/New-York crime syndicate was interested only in guaranteeing the survival of Israel in the Middle East, you now have proof that its members want more than that; they want the whole world.

To see for yourself, you need to read: “The perils of Trump's foreign policy approach in Asia,” which is the title of Benny Avni's latest column. It was published on January 3, 2019 in the New York Post.

If you'll recall the strategy that the Jews have been employing to maintain America in a permanent state of readiness to shed the blood of its young men and women, and burn stacks of cash to be so honored as to dance to the tune of the syndicate, you'll find that Benny Avni is employing the same strategy to get America tangled in Asia as much as it is in the Middle East. In fact, you can see it in the title of the column already, where Avni uses the word “perils” to warn that if America stops obeying the dictates of the Jewish crime syndicate, mass annihilation will result in the world.

Avni's worries about Asia, center on two issues: the Korean Peninsula and the one-China policy. Those familiar with the Second World War, as well as the Korean and Vietnam Wars, will recall that European and Japanese colonialism resulted in several countries being split into a region that remained under colonial domination, and a region that fought to liberate it.

Now, decades later, we see a unified Vietnam, and a Korea that's split in two countries, technically at war with each other. We also see a (Mainland) China that's trying to manage Taiwan, an (Island) breakaway province that refuses to submit to the authority of the central government in Beijing. America that feared the domino effect of one country after another falling into Communist hands, fought bitterly in Vietnam and lost. It continues to station roughly 30,000 troops in South Korea to deter North Korea from invading it. And continues to arm Taiwan with sophisticated weapons to deter China from invading it.

These were politico-military developments that transpired over several decades. But parallel with all of that, something else was happening. In the Soviet Union, the mother of all Communist regimes collapsed because the economic model it was pursuing could not be sustained. China and Vietnam, that remain Communist in name, now pursue an economic model that some people call State Capitalism. The two countries are doing extremely well, and have become good trading partners with America and the rest of the world.

So, what's there to complain about? Nothing really. It is just that humanity is anxiously waiting to see the resolution of the differences between the Koreas, and those between China and Taiwan. In fact, this kind of spirit is the direction in which the world is going, having chosen to distance itself from a ruinous colonial era that set humanity so far back, history may never forgive the culprits.

Well then, let's prepare for the celebration that will soon be upon us. Not so fast, say the Jews of the syndicate who grabbed the mantel of the defunct colonial era, wore it, and launched a massive scheme to revive the goals and methods of the dead era. Benny Avni’s article is a small part of that scheme; one of many in the mob of Jewish pundits that speak for the Tel-Aviv/New-York crime syndicate.

In the same way that Israel sets the stage in the middle of the night to bomb Palestinian mothers and their babies asleep in their bedrooms (using precision air-launched missiles obtained free of charge from the American military industrial complex) by declaring that Israel “will defend itself,” Benny Avni began his column by counseling Donald Trump to “make sure everyone knows America will defend our allies.” As to you, my friend, never forget that in Jewish parlance, “defending the self” is euphemism for committing genocidal aggression on those who cannot defend themselves.

But why should the American President even think of doing that? Well, Benny Avni believes he knows the reasons why, and so he used most of the column’s space to describe America and her allies as saints, and their opponents as evil-minded operators, bent on causing mischief and hurting everyone.

In fact, this is how Avni prepared to end his column, which he did with this advice: “For too long, we lost sight that tranquility in Asia was made possible by American military commitments to allies. So Trump better broadcast that he doesn't intend to reduce our military presence in Korea or wobble on our vow to defend Taiwan.” What a colossal perversion!

Perhaps the young man does not remember a time when China was so weak, the United States brazenly interfered in the Mainland/Taiwan dispute. It happened that after the signing of the Korean armistice, mainland China turned its attention to two island chains (Quemoy and Matsu) that were between two and ten miles away from its shore, and a hundred miles away from Taiwan.

Helped by the Americans, the ruling Junta in Taiwan used to send terrorists into the mainland to sabotage installations there. Fed up with the situation but weak militarily, the mainland government could only respond by shelling the islands, and by issuing warning to the US navy that came too close to their shore. These skirmishes went on for half a decade during the 1950s, till the mainland took possession of the islands.

Benny Avni should realize that tranquility in Asia was not made possible by American military commitments to allies. There was continuous trouble in that part of the world till China got strong enough to scare America. Only then, did tranquility come to Asia.

The truth is that tranquility was made possible by the flexing of China's military might; that which is now keeping an eye on America's navy in the region, and keeping it from causing mischief. Almost everywhere around the world, deterring America has become the new norm.

Benny Avni would do well to study the history about which he claims to be an expert. He repeatedly proved to know not what he's talking about, and it is getting boring to point this out to him.