Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Three-quarter-Century of self-deceit is too long

The better something is, the worse will be the process of its decay. This is true of natural organic matter as it is of the institutions we build to help us manage the complexities of the civilization we created.

Democracy is one institution that's turning into a serious problem. It was good while it remained healthy, but it started to decay. It is thus creating signs of what promises to be a horror show like humanity has never seen before. The question we face at this time is this: How can we avoid a fate worse than the two World Wars we endured at great cost to our human development during the Twentieth Century?

To answer that question, we need to understand what it is we're up against. So we begin with an article that came under the title: “Americans are Tired of Middle Eastern Mayhem,” and the subtitle: “Can Washington avoid spending another decade of being entrapped in the Middle Eastern quicksand? Or is it dangerously close to repeating the same poor judgment?” It was written by Daniel R. DePetris, and published on January 17, 2019 in The National Interest. Here are the relevant passages in that article:

“Words don't tell if the US has learned the lesson to avoid another decade of entrapment in the Mideastern quicksand. Washington is close to repeating the same poor judgment. For an explanation as to the region's turmoil, look to the governments of the region. Iran is one government contributing to the region's violence. So are Hamas, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria, the Taliban in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia's boycott of Qatar and campaign in Yemen. The sectarianism that bubbled after the US invasion of Iraq plagues the region. The deployment of US troops, trillions of wasted dollars and missions with no end-game, are evidence that the underlying assumptions were counterproductive. The American people think so. The message to Arab leaders is this: The US will continue to be in the region to ensure that its interests are defended. They are: protect the homeland, prevent a hegemonic power from dominating the region's politics, and keep oil markets stable for the American consumer”.

What's wrong with this? A single word answers that question: Israel. Not once in the explanation offered by the writer, were the names of Israel or the Jewish lobby in America that's promoting it, mentioned. This is the kind of self-deception that has kept the Middle Eastern tragedy going, and kept it escalating among the various jurisdictions, decade after decade. And you don't have to go too far to ascertain this reality. Just go over the dozens of articles that were written on the subject of America pulling out of Syria, and you'll be convinced that Israel and the Jewish lobby are alone responsible for the horror show that the Middle East has become. Here are 5 articles you might want to consult:

“Trump's losing Syria. Will he lose the whole region too,” a column written by Richard Cohen and published on January 14, 2019 in The Washington Post.

“Middle East Chaos Will Escalate Following the Departure of the Americans,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “If America departs from the Middle East, then the region will become a free-for-all for others,” written by Tanya Goudsouzian and published on January 17, 2019 in The National Interest.

“Trump's Middle East Strategy and the Kurds,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “There's a problem with getting too close to Turkey,” written by Myron Magnet and published on January 17, 2019 in National Review Online.

“The New Battle Over Donald Trump's Foreign Policy,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “National Security adviser John Bolton is increasingly isolated, but the president can ill afford to bleed allies. Rand Paul wants to see through the president's prerogatives,” written by Curtis Mills and published on January 18, 2019 in The National Interest.

“Is Chechnya Putin's blueprint for Syria?” an article that was written by Anna Borshchevskaya, and published on January 17, 2019 in The Hill.

What you'll encounter in the 5 articles are Jewish lamentations of this kind: With America departing, we'll lose Syria if not the whole region. We're losing the Kurds who are joining Assad to avoid being crushed by the hated Turks. This is why John Bolton is going bananas … most likely because he foresees that Syria will fall into Putin's lap who will treat it like he does Chechnya.

And that's the larger part of the discussion which Daniel DePetris has failed to expose. This is due to a democracy that has decayed so badly, it created a kind of Jewish-only political correctness that causes everyone to censor the self.

The act of constantly attributing positive superlatives to Jews, and negative superlatives to those who refuse to bow to them, has created a system of self-deceit that made the devilish Jews look like capable paragons of righteousness; and made everyone else look like helpless wicked sinners.

And so, to borrow from the language of economics which says: “If you don't do it, the market will do it for you,” we can say that if pundits continue to shy away from discussing the Jewish shortcomings openly and honestly, the street mobs of the future will handle the matter their own unpleasant way.

In fact, you should know that you do not protect the Jews by hiding their shortcomings; you deliver them to their executioners, and do worse than wash your hands like a miserable coward. What you do is hide your head in the sand like the US Congress of moral prostitutes.