Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Meritorious Message wins over criminal Coercion

“Get off my face” is a pleading that hasn't been uttered by someone yet, but it is one that Nancy Pelosi should throw at Jonathan S. Tobin in his face, throw it at him through the media or throw it both ways.

That's because Tobin teamed with dozens of other Jews and their gentile lackeys, and they wrote thousands upon thousands of words in dozens upon dozens of articles in which they all moan about a sentence that was uttered by Louis Farrakhan eons ago, and not repudiated by Rashida Tlaib half an eon ago. Based on this alone, the Jewish mob continues to feel the need to run to someone higher up drenched in tears as it always is and demand being consoled with a few soothing words.

Creatures of the perpetual whine, the Jews and their lackeys want Nancy Pelosi to “discipline” Rashida Tlaib. But instead of doing that, now is a good time for Pelosi to tell the mob of snivelling Jews that America is not this kind of democracy. If the thousands of words they continually dish out cannot defeat a single sentence uttered by a Tlaib or a Farrakhan, they need to recognize that one meritorious message wins over any criminal coercion; and they should change their message. If they cannot find one that will sell to an intelligent audience, they ought to be so humble as to adopt those of Rashida Tlaib and Louis Farrakhan.

In fact, these two remarkable human beings could use proxies to go around on their behalf, and spread their message of equal justice for all which was after all, America's original message before the advent of the Jews who screwed up everything.

If you, my friend, find it difficult to believe that a Jew, let alone a throng of them, cannot develop an argument that would defeat a single thought expressed by an American of Palestinian descent, or one of African descent, your bewilderment will be eased when you read the article that came under the title: “Pelosi, Democrats should discipline Tlaib's anti-Semitism,” written by Jonathan S. Tobin and published on January 14, 2018 in The New York Post.

That's where you'll see how Jews employ criminal coercion to stifle solid arguments they cannot defeat with counterarguments, and yet regularly manage to win exclusive rights for their illegitimate causes. Thus, the onus is on Nancy Pelosi, not only to ignore those criminally coercive tactics; she must repudiate them forcefully and publicly to put an end to this practice once and for all.

Look what it is that Jonathan Tobin is tearing his entrails out of his belly, to protest:

“A statement Tlaib made about a bill seeking to prevent Americans from boycotting Israel ... She tweeted that those supporting the bill forgot what country they represent ... Her accusations reeked of anti-Semitic trope ... BDSers single out the Jewish state with an eye toward its elimination ... BDS is an act of anti-Jewish bias, and Tlaib's attempt to conflate the conduct that the bill would ban with free speech is disingenuous ... Pelosi must make Tlaib pay a price for her use of the language of Jew-hatred”.

But look what Rashida Tlaib actually tweeted: “those supporting the bill.” Guess what! Most of them happened to be non-Jews, and certainly not Semites. For Tobin to say that this reeks of anti-Semitic trope, is to deliberately act like a jerk, precisely to be treated like a jerk and win the right to cry foul. Playing victim, he now demands that someone be punished for something they did not do. So very jerky; so very Jewish.

And that's not all. Tobin goes on to say that BDS is an act of anti-Jewish bias. But the fact is that no one has boycotted other jurisdictions as much as the United States. Moreover, in most of the cases, you'll find that the Jews were the instigators or the main supporters of the boycott. But if — like says Tobin — to boycott someone, is to commit an act of hate and seek the destruction of that someone, Tobin is acknowledging that the Jews are using America to fulfill the dream of destroying the human race they have been hating since the beginning of time.

How did the Jews manage to get to this point without someone stopping them? Well, characters like Tobin have shown that Jews cannot live without being hated. It is why they like habitual recidivists commit the same repugnant activities again and again. It gives them the opportunity to bask in the glory of hating others and being hated by them.

Alone in their league, the Jews are singularly called out for doing the things that nobody else does. This makes them feel so special — albeit in a negative sense they shed tears of joy while pretending to cry because they hurt. And so, they take the opportunity to make demands on those that take pity on them.

This is why Nancy Pelosi must not fall into the trap they are setting for her. These characters are parasitic charlatans that cannot live without sucking someone's blood. They sucked enough American blood already; let them find someone else that's dumb enough to host them.

A reversal is called for at this time. Curtail the ability of Jews to be Jews, while at the same time encouraging Rashida Tlaib to be Rashida Tlaib, and Louis Farrakhan to be Louis Farrakhan.