Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The political Incorrectness that offends

When someone commits a political incorrectness, they mean to offend. For a long time, this kind of behavior was frowned upon in prudish North America. But then the Jews came along and abused the established culture by complaining about every little thing that shouldn't have raised even an eyebrow.

After a while the North American public got sick of it and screamed: screw the Jews; go full steam ahead with political incorrectness. And before you know it, political incorrectness had taken roots with a vengeance. The consequence has been that we now live in an era during which time everything goes.

Come to think of it, it could be that in the future, our behavior will appear to have been a little too excessive and lacking in decorum, but also considered to have been healthier to a free society than the suppression of free speech such as the Jews were trying to impose on that society.

So, let's do a series of thought experiments. Use that to gauge how you’d react to some unexpected situation happening in real life:

First, a Muslim man writes: I call on my fellow Muslims to skip tomorrow's celebration of women's emancipation, and instead join me in Friday prayer.

Second, a White man writes: I call on my fellow White men to skip tomorrow's celebration of women's emancipation and instead join me in celebrating Western Civilization.

Third, a Jewish woman writes: I call on my fellow Jews to skip the third Women's March, on Saturday, January 19, and instead join me in celebrating Shabbat.

Would you be offended by any of those pieces of writing? Well, you might have been in the old days, but not now. That's because, standing alone, the content of those statements, does not insult anyone. However, expressed as it was by three different people, the statement points to mentalities that can be disquieting.

In the case of the Muslim man, it may — fairly or unfairly — reinforce the stereotype of the Muslim suppression of women's rights. In the case of the White man, it may indicate a White supremacist tendency on the part of that individual. But what does it say about the Jewish woman?

In fact, that's not a theoretical case anymore because these words were actually written by a Jewish woman. She is Melanie Notkin who gave a full explanation of what she meant. She did so in an article she wrote under the title: “Why all Jews should skip the next Women's March,” published on January 12, 2019 in the New York Post. Here is the essence of what she said:

“The Women's March made me uneasy from the start. I wondered where the Jewish leaders were. I learned over the coming months, my feelings were justified. Speakers like Angela Davis called for a free Palestine. A sign read: Free Birth Control and Palestine! The International Women's Strike included 'Justice for Palestine' among the causes of the feminist movement. Linda Sarsour said that a Zionist could not call herself a feminist. When I shared my concerns about anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, I was told I needed to be schooled in anti-blackness”.

What does that add up to? It adds up to the reality that Jewish girls and boys get it with their mothers' milk that in addition to a free lunch, humanity owes them a leadership position in every endeavor that's undertaken by anyone, anywhere in America.

They grow up believing that movements which refuse to embrace that Jewish birthright, do not deserve to exist. They take it that when this happens, the duty of all Jews is to stick together and attack such movements till their non-Jewish leaders step down and hand their positions to the Jews. Failing this, the movements and their leaders get crushed under the weight of Jewish incessant bellyaching.

In fact, the surefire way that is often used by Jews to kill such movements, is to run to the authorities with eyes full of tears — be they competent authorities or two-bit moral prostitutes — and have them legislate the demise of the gentiles that refuse to bow to Jewish demands.

In the face of such realities, it is evident that what's offensive nowadays is not so much the content of politically incorrect utterances, as it is that the Jews are allowed to get away with this kind of double standard.

In addition, it would be negligence to omit pointing the finger at the sources that fuel the Jewish drive to have it both ways … which they do all the time and get away with it. And so, it must be noted that the state legislatures in America are like snake pits where the Jews go to collect the poison they use to harm those who refuse to worship them.

At the top of America's legislatures, sits the US Congress of moral prostitutes where Steny Hoyer stands as the quintessential male madam working with AIPAC to recruit freshmen US legislators. They send these unwary souls to Israel where they are indoctrinated before returning home where they dedicate their creative talent to the exploitation of their country for the benefit of the criminal syndicate they call Israel.

They say Donald Trump sold out to Russia; he denies it. They say the Congressional hookers sell out to Israel every day; they ask: When will we get the Star of David medal of honor?

That's a double standard of the most sickening kind.