Saturday, January 19, 2019

Once again, they fell flat on their Faces

Faced with mounting criticism that Jews do no more than throw accusations of anti-Semitism at others simply by mentioning histrionics cases without justifying their despicable habit of slandering those who are not in a position to defend themselves — Bill Kristol decided to do something about the matter.

He commissioned Daniella Greenbaum Davis and asked her to find an explanation as to why there is a need to call others anti-Semites. When she did, he published the article she wrote on the website of The Bulwark, a creation of his that is meant to replace The Weekly Standard which died ignominiously not long ago.

The Davis article came under the title: “Are Democrats Willing to Address Their Anti-Semitic Problem?” and the subtitle: “The DNC's withdrawal from the Women's March was smart, but Democrats have been largely silent on the matter.” It was published on January 18, 2019 on the website of the Bulwark. Here is the explanation:

“Intersectionality has led modern society to believe that white americans [sic] are always guilty of some crime or other, while marginalized populations are always the oppressed and never the oppressors. This explains why mainstream Democrats have been tepid about rebuking people like Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour, Keith Ellison, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar when they say and do things that can only be characterized as anti-Semitic”.

Are you impressed? Are you satisfied that the above passage explains why the Black and Brown skins she named, deserve to be accused of anti-Whitism, and further accused that their stance automatically turns them into anti-Semites as well? While you're ruminating over this, let me tell you about something you can verify. It will explain why humanity has torched the Jews for what they have been doing since the beginning of time — and nobody is celebrating. It will also explain why an organization such as the DNC would do no more than withdraw from the Women's March — only to see the Jews celebrate what they consider a victory, then call for the imposition of even more punishment.

Here is what you need to do: Ask Fox News to give you copy of the half-hour portion of a show the network ran between 10:30 AM and 11:00 AM on Friday, January 18, 2019. You'll see in it a segment that was hosted by Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith as they interviewed Ari Fleischer on that subject. Those who are familiar with the issues will find that Fleischer's responses were a repetition of the Jewish talking points they have adopted since flipping from asking the audiences not to conflate Israel's actions and those of America's Jews, to now tell the audiences that the two are one and the same. In fact, their new stance is to the effect that to attack any of Israel's actions no matter their nature, is tantamount to attacking the very existence of Jews.

And that's not even the big deal. To understand what else happened on that show, you need to know something that's known to teachers who worked with difficult students; also known to people who worked in correctional services. It is that criminals who were punished and have turned coward, yet cannot stop committing crimes, look for ways to commit forbidden acts that appear inadvertent or accidental.

Now watch the Fox News show and catch Bill Hemmer say that Ilhan Omar is of Palestinian descent. A few minutes later, catch Ari Fleischer say that Ilhan Omar is of Palestinian descent. You can be certain that this is a premeditated, meticulously scripted and choreographed “inadvertent accident” that is as Jewish as the rape of young and defenseless actresses by aging Jewish moguls. The truth is that Ilhan Omar is of Somali descent, and she is defending the Palestinians for the same reason that I do: It is the right thing to do, and the obligation of everyone that stands for human decency, and feels that he or she can do something about it.

Now that you know this is something that's happening, you need to know it has been happening all the time for at least the last 50 years ... even before Linda Ellerbee wrote a book to tell all about it. In fact, those who visited a public or college library even before the 1967 Middle East war, would have foreseen the advent of this Jewish plague. That's because while browsing the pages of books treating subjects of interest to Jews, the readers would have seen printed words crossed out and replaced with hand-written words that were insulting to Arabs; sentences that were savagely mutilated, and paragraphs that were redacted to hide their meaning.

And then it happened that decent people got fed up with that beastly Jewish behavior, and returned the favor by commenting on the phenomenon with words of their own that said things like: “Do you now understand why Hitler did what he did?” Other people called the Jews nasty names, and others called them viruses.

I do not know why someone called the Jews viruses this long ago, but if you consider that a virus spreads not by procreation but by entering the human cell and tricking it into producing more viruses — you'll see the analogy of the Jewish producers working with the operators in the control rooms, the copy writers and the guests they invite, to trick innocent hosts such as Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, into spreading the Jewish disease, not realizing how they were abused, how democracy was misused, and how the American public was raped morally.

Another thing that Ari Fleischer did is complain about the observation that Jews control much of the world. Well, Fleischer is old enough to remember a time when saying that Jews controlled Hollywood, meant the sudden death of your career, and your subsequent exile into oblivion. But then the Jews decided it was okay to say that Jews control Hollywood, and so they commissioned one of their own to write a book under the in-your-face title of: Jews control Hollywood, so what?

And so we ask: why the reversal? The answer is that everywhere the Jews go, they try to control what's around them. They hate being accused of it because they fear losing their grip on things. But the moment they feel they will maintain control no matter what is said, they come out and brag about their accomplishment.

That's what is happening to them now with regard to their attempt at controlling the world by controlling America. It is not that they feel innocent of the charge; it is that they fear seeing their plans derailed if the truth came out too soon … before they complete the control.